Paypal problem

29 Nov 2006
The Mo0n
Trying to set up a paypal account for the first time and its not going well :(
I have a HSBC debit card(Maestro) but it has a 9 digit card number so I can't set up the paypal account because there only accept 8 digit number :confused:

Help me!
Only company that I know has less digits is American Express which has 15 , Maestro should also have a 16 digit card number :confused:

Edit : you need to enter your account number, not card number :p if it has less than 8 digits, add 0s on the front and might not be printed on the card itself , but your bank statements
Bank/Building Society Name:
Branch Location:
Account Type: Current
Sort Code: - - (six digits)
Account Number: (eight digits)
Re-enter Account Number:

Thats the information they want to add a account.
I have a HSBC maestro card too.The number you should be entering is the one across the middle of the card under the gold 'chip' and it should be 19 digits altogether
You're (all) getting confused between the card number of the debit card and the account number of the bank account.

If you add the card as a debit card in Paypal, you need the long number across the middle of the card. This will be quite long (16-ish digits) and not the shorter number marked "card number" on the card.

If, however, you're asked for a sort code and account number then these are different details entirely - you're not adding your card, you're adding your bank account. You can find your account number and sort code on your bank statement or cheque book. Depending on the bank, one or both of these may also be printed on your debit card, and they may form part of the long card number, but this varies - looking on your cheque book is more straightforward.
The account number is in the 18 digit code across the front of the card.

1234 567890 12345678

The first four are irrelevant

The next six are your sort code

The next eight are your account number

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