Paypal Spam Email?

8 Oct 2005
Midlands, UK

Just got a call from a client who says their email has been used to send thousands of emails. The spammers address shows a from email from securitysupport AT - I'm unablke to get the message headers until tomorrow, but wondered if anyone else has had a similar issue?

Have tried Googling this, but there isn't too much about it :(

Many Thanks
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Well it's very vahue at the minute :( Apparently their isp had cut them off for 2 days (they just got reconnected today after convicning them they are not spammers). They were told one of their emails was being used to send several thousand spam messages.

They obv. asked me first as I made them a simple buy now button for a product on their site (I used the hosted button ID, not adding the actual email as a hidden field), the email they used has apparently been used to spam.
It sounds like if their ISP cut them off, that they were running a compromised SMTP server or an open SMTP relay.
I'm trying to work out of anything I've done recently is to blame. What I've done so far is:

- Add a simple buy now paypal button, using a hosted ID instead of the business email
- Help them setup a paypal account, the business email is apparently being used to spam
- We have 2 emails setup for a brochure website we did for them, that forwards to one of their main email address (again this is being used for spam) - am pretty sure nothing is amiss here as this site is hosted with tsohost.

Anyway, hopefully tomorrow I'll get to see the original email and rule myself out totally :)
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