PB+J whats your view

18 Sep 2003
Now, back in the old usa one of the most popular sandwiches is called a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

As a note, the jelly is not wobbly jelly, but jam without bits of fruit in it. They call wobbly jelly Jell-o.

I love this sandwich with proper crunchy peanut butter and grape jelly (which i havent found here yet)

I have had people recoil when i tell tham what sandwich im eating, but it is lovely. What does everyone else think of the humble old PB+J.
Well being as the forum is in the UK *points at .co.uk*

Peanut butter and jelly (JAM!) isn't really that popular here, personally i've never tried it but actually, i'm game so i'll give it a go later. You're probably better asking peoples views on cheese and pickle sandwiches :P
Basically my favourite sandwich. I usually have it at least once a week and it does go best with crunchy peanut butter but it also works perfectly well with jam with bits in. I wouldnt go as far as marmalade though.

But then I did live in American for 3 years.
I've been eating it for years, crunchy pb on one piece of white bread, and raspberry jam on the other. Slap em together (not too hard, mind) and mmmmmm...yum.
I think I might pop to tesco and buy some peanut butter and a jar of jam now haha. It actually sounds quite nice. Plus I have to buy some kitchen cleaner and milk :/
Le_Petit_Lapin said:
Poor you! Did you get lost in someones spare tyre?

Sorry, that should have read "But then I do love it. American for 3 years." Nah not really, that extra special is N is really there to entrap and stupefy the confused grammatical masters into underpinning my grasp of the English language via a common ailment called cackjokeritist.
PB&J made me the man I am today! Best is toasted, hold the knife over the toaster so that the peanut butter melts straight away.

Also use only chunky Skippy peanut butter and Welch's grape jelly - NEVER jam!
I recently found out a really fantastic way to enjoy pb+j. Toasted bagel! Seriously, it’s really good, but you have to use a very generous amount of pb+j and it’s literally melt in your mouth delicious.

Best is the Cinnamon and Rasion Bagel with Crunchy PB & Strawberry Jam

for the ultimate heart stopper, Peanut Butter and bacon.

Its what killed Elvis so it must be good
delta555 said:
Now, back in the old usa one of the most popular sandwiches is called a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

As a note, the jelly is not wobbly jelly, but jam without bits of fruit in it. They call wobbly jelly Jell-o.

I love this sandwich with proper crunchy peanut butter and grape jelly (which i havent found here yet)

I have had people recoil when i tell tham what sandwich im eating, but it is lovely. What does everyone else think of the humble old PB+J.

It's American.

It's not popular over here probably for a very good reason.

Half a tonne man probably lives on it.

I think i'll give it a miss.

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