PC-A71FB Build

OcUK Staff
7 Nov 2010
Hope you guys will like this build I will try and link up as many of the parts I am using as possible. Though some will be reused from my old system and may not still be on sale.

I don't have all the bits yet and I will be modding it over time, for now I just want a working system up. Then I will mod the case after.

First off I am starting with a Maximus Extreme IV

(All pictures hosted by imageshack.us)

Adding a 2500K Retail CPU

Putting in 2 sets of Kingston HyperX RED Limited Edition 8GB (2x4GB) memory

My EK Supreme LT CPU block (Linked is the LTX version as we no longer have the LT)

Pre-braided Red Extension Cables

I am currently awaiting the case to be delivered hopefully wont be too long, then I can continue. What do you think so far?

Top and sides off

This needs to come out of my way.

Got it removed now

A 140mm triple rad would fit nicely here.

Silly drive bays, I don't need you.

Need to remove the front to get at them.

Front gone, now for the slot covers.

Two 140mm fans for a dual 140 rad space.

Dremel them rivets :)

Drive bay removed.

Put the board and graphics card in to see what it would look like and also get ideas for how to fit the loop.
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Drilled holes for the T-Balancer to sit at the back of the case on the stand offs, USB-b port is given easy access so I just have to remove the grill with the four screws if I need to update the settings on it.

You can't really see it once the grill is back on. Not that it matters much, its the back of the PC :P
Oooh, really intrigued by this. I Quite like the A71FB, so will be keeping an eye on what you do with it :)

Guessing a red and black themed build somehow? xD

Internals powdercoated or not?

Going to do black red and white now, talking to Slame has made me opt to custom braid the whole system red and white :) My desk is black top with white cupboard and legs, if my PC was just red and black I don't think it would match. Therefore the cables will be red and white individually braided.

Will decide further in to the build whether to powder coat or not, sometimes looks better with shiny metal, but in the end I probably will yes :)
do you mean is it made to fit in there or would it physically fit inside it with a bit of modding?

I don't think it is designed to go inside the 5.25" drive bays, I did not think to check, though I bet with a bit of adjustment it would fit inside, how come?

I removed the 5.25" bays because I will only be using a single slot loader mounted vertically in the front, more on that later though.

I will check on Monday when I am back in work it fits inside.
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Was meant to update today with pics of the touch sensor board that will operate the on switch and the eject button, only I accidently wired it up while testing with the IC the wrong way up and didn't notice XD Killed it, got to wait until I get another one :(

On a plus note, I had bought the rad that are going in so should get them shortly.
I used a breadboard to retest the chip, found out I was just doing something wrong, not totally sure what, but never mind :P

Anyway set it all up and the breadboard and tested it, it worked great, used LEDs to test the principle as you can see in the video below.


Then I set it up on the stripboard and still works thankfully :P


Just got to wait for the terminals in the post now :) Going to take it in to work tomorrow and test it if I can :)
you getting the case powder coated? looks a lot better with it done, mines in sig if youre interested
youre a lot more capable with modding/adventurous than me, I wimped out and got it all done for me
Ill be keeping an eye in case I get any inspirations for change
Good luck

The terminals for the circuit came today, so its all done, drilled 4 holes for the standoffs as well, just got to connect it to the case now. Tested it again and still working :)
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