PC Build Help - (Budget for office work only)

14 May 2015
We'd like to build a PC for general office use (only need the PC build itself -the case and everything inside.
We already have a monitor, keyboard, mouse, cables and a copy of windows 10.

This new build is for my partner and will be used for work ONLY (no gaming).

This will be used for Emails, Microsoft Office (Word & Excel) and a little bit of Adobe Photoshop/InDesign.

I would like the PC to be reliable and last long term. Could someone kindly help by putting together a build?

I would have thought this should cost anywhere between £300-£400 since we are building this ourselves.

Or would it be better to buy one pre-made since you can pick up office PCs so cheap nowadays?

Thanks in advance for any advice!
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Thank you for the above build @orbitalwalsh
So you personally think it would be better to build ourselves, rather than buy a prebuild?
You can get pre-builds without all the extras(monitors,keyboard,mouse, windows etc.) so you can get them pretty damn cheap!
However, that raises the question... am i going to be settling for much lower standard parts if we was to purchase a prebuild...

What is yours and others thoughts about this?

Any other custom builds (linked as above) would be appreciated!
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