PC Gamer are giving away a graphics card, PSU and a free year's sub to the magazine!

Ok, doing this on my iPad, I've completed the form but I don't see a submit or enter button? Where should it be?

Nvm, just pressed go on the keyboard and it entered me.
All of those answers pale next to the fear I experienced playing Echo the Dolphin when I was young.
Im surprised they gave us a list to choose from,it would have been nice to say "other" and explain.
But out of the choices mine would be watching the alien walk around in Alien resurrection.
Creepy as hell.
I'm in and thanks for another great competition.

It's fear for me too. Played in the dark with headphones.
Alien Isolation was creepy too but never played it much.

I voted for the tank attack in the end funny moments more than scary.
Entered for the fun of it, since I'm good with my 970. I'll probably just gift away the winnings on the slim chance I somehow win.

I had to choose Metro. The Batman sequence was fun, but it wasn't difficult or tense enough to really strike fear. Now Metro is a game where I ran out of ammo constantly and death could be lurking around the corner. I never even managed to complete it, I got stuck on a mutant bear boss where I keep running out of ammo.
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