PC Gamer magazine

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
Sup all, I rarely buy magazines, but I've just recently cancelled my subscription for OXM (Official Xbox Magazine), as nice as it is for bog reading, I no longer game on console.

So, was wondering what peoples views are on PC Gamer as a bog rag?
I quite like their site bought not bought a mag of any type in such a long time.

Still nothing beats reading from a proper mag.

Yea, I still like sitting down with a mag here and there, I just never buy from the shops as it's a absolute rip off. But something like £30 for 6 months isn't so bad for a bit of entertainment here and there.
I just use ign.com and these forums for gaming news, buy the odd magazine if there's an article I really want to read :)
In the elite dangerous article they published in the last few months, there was a typo in inch high, bold print. I can't remember how, but they spelled "clipper" wrong :/
Magazine is very average now, you can get better information and writing out there on the internet now. Internet caught with them a while back and they just failed to offer anyone anything extra for whatever the sub costs now. If you want something good to read just pick a different hobby or something else that interests you.
been a subscriber for a long time, as you suggest its decent bog reading imo, and i quite like the magazine if im honest. Theres tons of online review sites to build a range of views from different sources but i still find the magazine a good read as i did when i first subscribed 5+ years ago.
been a subscriber for a long time, as you suggest its decent bog reading imo, and i quite like the magazine if im honest. Theres tons of online review sites to build a range of views from different sources but i still find the magazine a good read as i did when i first subscribed 5+ years ago.

My main source is information on new and upcoming games, it's all just easier to find in a mag and generally I'll see something and keep an eye on it based on the information supplied in a mag.

I'll download a sample of PC Gamer onto the kindle tomorrow to have a gander.
the biggest issue with any magazine versus the online review sites is obv the fact that by the time a review appears in the magazine its most likely been out a while and reviewed a million times online.

I tend to use youtube reviews for most games i want to purchase, I like the magazine for the editorial articles, the monthly hardware segments and the extended play sections where they do a later review on a game after a few months time to soak it up
I follow PC Gamer on Faceache, they publish some interesting and informative articles IMO, but I haven't bought a copy for years, why bother? - by the time it's in print, prices have changed, usually the competition of the reviewed item(s) too.

I don't buy any print media these days bar books, and those are either from charity shops or boot sales, invariably, due to pricing, anything new I source for my Kindle....

I'm amazed so many titles still exist and survive on the shelves of newsagents tbh, years back I had subscriptions (and still have a large back catalogue) of Total BMW and BMW Car magazines, my interest in BMW's hasn't died, far from it, yet I've bought neither title for years now, why bother? I have all I could ever want and more via the web.
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