*** PC Gaming - Daily Deals Thread ***

Getgamesgo is having their get loaded deal again:


Choice of 6 games, any 2 for £10. You can buy them as many times as you like too, so if you wanted 4 of the games, you can get 4 for £20, although you have to make it 2 transactions. Games are:

Binary Domain
Arkham City GOTY
Men of War Assault Squad GOTY
Warhammer 40k: Space Marine
Stronghold 3 Gold Edition
Civilization V

All steam redeemable except arkham city I think. I'm tempted by binary domain and civ to be honest.
Not a deal but i've got a ShootMania Beta key to give away.

Please write if you're the person who got it!


Congratulations! You have been selected to be a ShootMania Beta Tester!

Go to http://download.maniaplanet.com/2012-09-26/ManiaplanetSMStormSetup.exe and download the game
Install the game
Create an account
Enter your Beta key : WANY-F5AN-89KR-Y3YJ-XXY

Once your Beta key is activated, the access to the game will last for 30 days.

For troubleshooting and bug report, please use ManiaPlanet Forum:

EXTREMELY IMPORTANT : Good Luck and have fun!

See you online,

The Nadeo Live Team
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