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what would be the best game out of these 4 would you say?

Killing Floor
Dead Island
Metro 2033
Darkness 2

I can pick up the others in steam xmas sale if they have one, I can afford all 4 but want to dedicate time to just one :p

For me the best two would be Metro 2033 and Darkness 2. Both games are different and I can't judge which one is best as I think they are both pretty great. Killing Floor I find pants and Dead Island can get very repetitive after a few hours.

Just my view.

EDIT: Also I am not a COD player, I don't think any COD player should be allowed views on how good games are :D :p
i think ill get darkness 2 just for art style and the demo seemed good.

I purchased stalker a while ago but never got round to complete it so think id probably do the same with metro even though its more recent.
I see on Steam, Vanguard is free to play, yet it asks for a subscription. I guess I got my hopes up too unrealistically high. :o

I take that back, downloading now. :)
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