This may have already been mentioned, but I just ordered Metro 2033 from Play for £4.99 - seemed like a good price.
It's been this price for the past year.
tempted to get Fallout:NV from D2D for £8.95 but how important is playing fallout 3? ive never finished it so are they linked story wise?
also, the digital deluxe edition, does it just include the 'book' or the DLC's aswell?
Grid £2.99 on Steam later today, according to Codies Twitter:!/Codies/status/93307650644787201
Grid £2.99 on Steam later today, according to Codies Twitter:!/Codies/status/93307650644787201
Beware - Codies shut down the Multiplayer Servers last month - so there will be no MP.
Time to blame Activision, they bought Demonware which Grid uses as middleware for the multiplayer. Seems Acti won't licence or renew licences to third parties.Beware - Codies shut down the Multiplayer Servers last month - so there will be no MP.
I picked up prince of Persia forgotten sands for £2.86 delivered this morning from online store that ends in "to"