*** PC Gaming - Daily Deals Thread ***

Its a bit of a waiting game as they seem to appear on sale in no specific order. No way of knowing whats next as far as I'm aware?

You can usually find a list of the games yet to be listed, over on the official thread (gog forums) though.

Just waiting to see if Jade Empire comes up soon..

jade Empire: Special Edition now on GoG for 2.99
The gunplay in killing floor is very satisfying. One of the best mindless shooters I've played.

mindless ill agree on me personally hated it and would rate as one of the worst games ive played in many years. people who say its up there with left4dead :confused: puzzles me. :p

some will like it some wont bit marmite but nowhere near as good as l4d
L4D1 or L4D2?

Both. Many a time I have tried to find a game of survival and there has been no games found. People are playing in in private games, so as a casual player its hard to find a game.

Versus is probably a different story as that was always a more popular game mode, but I have never like vs. Much prefer trying to hold out as long as possible against waves of zombies and tanks.

Player count is decent and there's a wide variety of servers. Custom maps too

Thanks, will give it a try later. Can't believe how many achievements there are for it :eek:.
Thanks, will give it a try later. Can't believe how many achievements there are for it :eek:.

Killing Floor can get addictive, much more so than L4D I find.

There's actually a lot more of a tactical nature to it than people at first realise, hence the 'mindless' tag that it sometimes gets labelled with.

True, there isn't a lot of skill needed for the early rounds taking on easy enemies, but if you've a decent team with a good balance... you'll see the sharpshooter taking on heavy enemies such as scrakes and fleshpounds, while a firebug lights things up at a distance, a commando will deal with the smaller stuff incoming and not rage the big guys for no reason - and the support will just shotgun everything at point blank in the face :D

It's fun on normal difficulty until you level up a bit (start at level 0, max is 6) but gets to be a good challenge at hard, and requires a lot of teamwork on suicidal. Never actually played on 'hell on earth' difficulty, can't think why.

Oh, and I own a giant chicken suit. What more is there to say?

(and it isn't the one you can buy, its the one you had to EARN)
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