new RPG (Realms of Arkania games) bundle on bundlestars
Think ill get it mainly to try the HD remake of Blade of Destiny
only £1.59 so cant go wrong really. 25 days to make ur mind up
Murdered soul suspect is really good, love the ghost stories and how they died
Thanks for the heads up Was just looking at my gmail a/cOmerta city of gangsters is free on GOG till 5pm
Omerta city of gangsters is free on GOG till 5pm
Is £13.31 inc good for BF4? - Rainforest store
Buying the "Limited edition" is pointless, as it includes China Rising, which you get anyway when you buy Premium. Why buy Premium? Because it's the other 5/6ths of the game maps and without it you can't join 90% of the servers on-line. As you not permitted to join a server with DLC maps in the rotation, even if the current map is a vanilla one.
As you not permitted to join a server with DLC maps in the rotation, even if the current map is a vanilla one.
Thats like blackmail
Stop giving EA more money for **** BF4
Even if BF4 goes cheap, I am not going to spend the money. It is tempting, but not really money well spent imo. BF5 is out soon, and BF3 is reasonably active. I remember getting BF3 for £10 some 3/4 months after it was out (it was in December). It was a low price for a recent game imo.
P.S. It was from a guy who got the code with a graphics card.