*** PC Gaming - Daily Deals Thread ***

New Humble Weekly Bundle:


Pay only £7.79

Batman Complete Bundle includes:

Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition
Batman: Arkham City Game of the Year Edition
Batman: Arkham Origins
Batman: Arkham Origins: Season Pass – DLC
Batman: Arkham Origins: Black Mask Challenge Pack – DLC
Batman: Arkham Origins: Online Supply Drop DLCs

Thats an amazing deal for anyone that doesn't yet have these games. I paid £5 just for Arkham Origins not so long ago.
Looks like i was right: http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/12/11/steam-holiday-sale-start-and-end-dates-revealed

Hope better deals than the last previous sale. xD

It will be the same as every steam sale. There will be the now customary moaning because:
a. most of the decent deals will have been on offer for roughly the same price before.
b. people own a lot of the decent games that get discounted.
c. that fantastic game that I want is only 10% off but it should be 90% off even though it was only released a month ago.

Have I missed anything?
Have I missed anything?

d. There will be some sort of "community event" gimmick which sounds vaguely like an alright concept until you realise it only benefits those ridiculous Steam users who either game the system or have done in the past... and people will complain about that as well

( on that topic :rolleyes: - does anyone else agree that this "auction" thing seems a bit silly - I got rid of my duplicate items for the heck of it and got about 1,000 gems, then realised all the auction items have bids of closer to 10,000, 20,000... 400,000... Can't help but feel maybe it would have been better if instead of bidding you just spent gems on a "raffle ticket" giving you a chance at winning )
It was silly from the start as they didn't test the idea properly. People were able to dupe gems, leaving bids of high 6 to 7 figure amounts on even the worst games, meaning no legit user would ever come close. Not only that, but people were able to print their own steam money by creating boosters and selling them for more than the cost to create.

The amount of gems people are dropping are ridiculous too. On another forum I visit, before the exploits were found, people were buying $30, $50, even $60 worth of gems to bid with. Why not just buy the game you want when it's on sale rather then convert your cash into funny money which doesn't guarantee you a game?!
nuuvem have some warhammer 40k games pretty cheap

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Master Collection - £4.79
Includes: Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II: Retribution
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II Chaos Rising
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II

Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team - £1.08


Lord of the Rings: War in the North - £0.96

I bought WH40K DoW II Retribution a while ago and didn't like it but that's only really because I like the original DoW :D
DoW II seems like CoH with Warhammer skins :(

I also didn't get into Lord of the Rings: War in the North (bought it ages ago)
The amount of gems people are dropping are ridiculous too. On another forum I visit, before the exploits were found, people were buying $30, $50, even $60 worth of gems to bid with. Why not just buy the game you want when it's on sale rather then convert your cash into funny money which doesn't guarantee you a game?!

Exactly... I guess these are the same people spending $100s on cards to craft badges for every single game that offers them, regardless of whether or not they own the game or have any interest in it at all... Fair enough if that's how they want to spend their money but it just seems odd
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