Cheaper in the bundle with Limbo if you own that already.Cheapest place for 'Inside' - or is this steam given it's on sale?
Cheaper in the bundle with Limbo if you own that already.Cheapest place for 'Inside' - or is this steam given it's on sale?
I have a £20 stream voucher to spend.
Trying to pick between:
The Division
MGS The Phantom Pain
Fallout 4
Any thoughts?
30th December 2016:
I just watched this video and then went to check out the game as I like the look of it just to find out it's only 36 pence or just over a pound with the New Year DLC.
30th December 2016:
I just watched this video and then went to check out the game as I like the look of it just to find out it's only 36 pence or just over a pound with the New Year DLC.
30th December 2016:
I just watched this video and then went to check out the game as I like the look of it just to find out it's only 36 pence or just over a pound with the New Year DLC.
Have you actually tried the game at all? Or just going by videos?
It's not a pick up a weapon and kill everyone you see willy nilly, it takes skill. It IS in depth.
Mount and Blade is one of those games that you really have to immerse yourself in in order to like it. It looks ****, it's clunky and confusing, it's rather repetitive and often frustrating, the UI is awful, the AI leaves a lot to be desired... but then you ride into battle towards the enemy as your fellow knights gradually lower their lances and break into a gallop and none of that matters any more.
Worth a punt at £3.74.
£9 for rocket league on steam the best price right now?
£9 for rocket league on steam the best price right now?
Currently £8.09 on Green Man Gaming using the SALE10 voucher code, I also believe you receive a free mystery game with the purchase.
just had to ask steam for refund on dark messiah as I keep getting random crashes while playingshame as I bloody love the game so far, oh well will wait for refund and maybe pick up mount and blade to give it a bash