*** PC Gaming - Daily Deals Thread ***

I've just grabbed Mirror's Edge Catalyst for £4.49 on Origin. I like the first, so it's hopefully worth at least one play through at this price.
Good news if you've got Titanfall2. Four player co-op en route.

Seen Titanfall2 mentioned here before, good news.

Assemble your squad

Respawn has done a commendable job supporting Titanfall 2 with free content updates. I've said it before, and I'm sure I'll feel obligated to say it again. But for folks who aren't at least partially invested in the PvP, it can be tough to break away from your current game of choice in favor of picking this one back up just to play a new map. Today's a different story, though: the next update will bring more maps as usual, but it's also rolling out a four-player co-op horde mode. It'll be live on Tuesday, July 25.
Good news if you've got Titanfall2. Four player co-op en route.

Seen Titanfall2 mentioned here before, good news.

Assemble your squad

Respawn has done a commendable job supporting Titanfall 2 with free content updates. I've said it before, and I'm sure I'll feel obligated to say it again. But for folks who aren't at least partially invested in the PvP, it can be tough to break away from your current game of choice in favor of picking this one back up just to play a new map. Today's a different story, though: the next update will bring more maps as usual, but it's also rolling out a four-player co-op horde mode. It'll be live on Tuesday, July 25.
Yeah I have seen this and am looking forward to it, I remember when they released Mann Vs Machine on Team Fortress 2 and it was amazing. However the community on Titanfall 2 seems to be diminishing which is a shame, more people need to pick it up. Respawn are doing a good job for their community though.
Yeah I have seen this and am looking forward to it, I remember when they released Mann Vs Machine on Team Fortress 2 and it was amazing. However the community on Titanfall 2 seems to be diminishing which is a shame, more people need to pick it up. Respawn are doing a good job for their community though.

I've been tempted for both Titanfall games, but the whole See through walls & Auto aim weapon thing put me off, but it does look good.

There's a pack to buy Titanfall2 & BF1 for £37.99 which is very tempting, but it's also (albeit only slightly) cheaper to buy them in singles hehe.
That's big.

Just noticed why mine is not updating... It's uninstalled lol :o

D'Oh! hahaha

As for the DL "patch", I'm confused.
Surely all the DLC is in game already, just locked.
I know they've changed bits of the game itself, but barely enough to warrant this insane of a DL.

Odder still, it stated ~35gb, but it ate around 50gb HDD space in the pre-allocate :eek::mad:
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