Took a stab at black flag for a quid (saw it on HUKD earlier) I played one assassins creed game a long time ago, but didn't gel with it and made almost no progress. I've been meaning to give them another go, so for a quid, why not.
If you like Fallout game then yes, vill give you many, many hours of fun !! And even if you don't like them that much you can always mod it to your liking !Fallout 4 GOTY edition on at CDkeys for £9.99 - worth a punt?
Gears of war 4 for pc and Xbox a fiver from CDKEYS
Croteam vr bundle 92% off on steam. Nuts bundle!
Not sure if already posted! Fallout 76 £11.99 @ cdkeys
Stack em high and sell em cheap boys!
Croteam vr bundle 92% off on steam. Nuts bundle!
game must be a right mess if its dropped so low already.
Not sure if already posted! Fallout 76 £11.99 @ cdkeys
Stack em high and sell em cheap boys!
LOL, £9.99 now!
Not sure if already posted! Fallout 76 £11.99 @ cdkeys
Stack em high and sell em cheap boys!
If you don't have them they're superb games. Even Arkham Asylum supports Ultrawide too.Fantical has a Batman Bundle going, 4 games and 4 DLC's. Arkham Origins, Arkham City - GOTY Edition, Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition and Arkham Origins Blackgate Deluxe Edition. For 10 Euro for the next 2 days and 18 hours, they mentioning it be a saving of 98 Euro almost, or 91%. Thought I post it incase anyone been thinking of buying the batman games ?