PC Gaming Dead?

I honestly don't think it's going to die for some time yet, but it's currently at quite a slump with action games in my opinion, but I've started my driving games now, and they're alllll gooood, and you will not see good sim games on console generally.

If FPS games magically got good / skillful on consoles (I know you have skillful console FPS, but it's different types etc, you know what I'm getting at), then It would probably see the demise quickly after that.

With games like UT2007 around the corner, we'll be getting some pretty damn good games shortly after that using its engine.

This overall argument is always the same when the 'next-gen' consoles come out. Was the same for Xbox / PS2. PC gaming always gives itself a kick up the arse once it's seen what's hot and what's not in the next-gen console world.
why do we keep getting these stupid threads.

Gaming started on PCs and it'll never die on it. Not unless something major comes along like the matrix :D

Its not a case of their being no good games being released, its more to do with the huge amount of rubbish games (that you get for any platform) making it harder to see the future classics!
That article is flawed anyway:

According to Tom’s Hardware, the latest AMD monster CPU @ 1024x768 scores 110fps on Doom III. And a 2.8GHz Pentium Northwood that first saw the light of day back in August 2002? - 84.9fps.

...yet if you find the article in question ( http://www.tomshardware.com/2005/11/21/the_mother_of_all_cpu_charts_2005/page27.html ), it is testing using a 2.8C and i875p chipset, not the older 2.8B on a slower FSB from August 2002. This guy is wheeling out his benchmarks as if they are gospel, but he can't even get his facts straight. Heck if he's relying on Tom's Hardware Bribe for his info he needs his head looking at anyway :)

Now that I've got the anality out of the way, I can move on to to the more abstract view of things. I think that PC gaming isn't dead because as a platform, PCs are becoming more and more common.

Go back 10 or 15 years. How many households had a PC? How many had more than 1 PC? The answer is, of, course, a helluva lot less than do now. It's actually getting fairly rare to find non-poor people that don't have a PC of some description at home now, so there is a large installed userbase. OK so they can't all run the latest-and-greatest titles, but people will still play games on them. Less than two weeks ago I installed a few games onto my gf's Mother's PC.

Some people are obssessed with being at the cutting edge of gaming, but there's millions of people out there having fun playing games that weren't released this year, or even the year before.

The amount of bug ridden, unfinished games on the PC is a depressingly growing trend. Add in the lack of originality and innovation (*cough* EA *cough*) and things aren’t looking good. You just have to look at some of last years ‘big’ releases to confirm things. Civilisation 4 was superb but, scratching the surface just removed the paint covering Civilisation 3, Black & White 2 was the same and FEAR - many peoples game of the year - was little more than a technical show piece with zero variation in environment or game play.

Hmmm, that sounds vaguely familar. Remind me what year we are in again? Games never ever had bugs in the "good old days", did they? Frontier First Encounters, anyone? Hidden and Dangerous? Games have got more complex as time goes on, especially where multiplayer is concerned, so it's natural that they should be a little more frequent. The difference is, these days "everyone" has an internet connection, so patching games is no problem. Go back to the 90s, and you were stuffed. I bought Unreal in May 1998 when it came out, but it wouldn't run at all on my cpu. So I had to spend loads on phonecalls to the publisher, and then was told they couldn't send me a patch, I'd have to go to a netcafe to download it onto floppies. I think about a month after buying it I finally was able to install the patch and get the game running. Gee, I miss those days so much.

Lack of originality and innovation? This is sounding like a stuck record, people have moaned about that for years. There's plenty of original games out there if people are willing to open their eyes and look for themselves, rather than just trying the most hyped titles. Civ4 is similar to Civ3 and B&W2 is like B&W - jesus, what does the guy expect? IT'S CALLED CIVILIZATION 4 BECAUSE IT IS THE SEQUEL TO CIVILIZATION 3 - WHICH MEANS IT'S HIGHLY LIKELY TO BE VERY SIMILAR!

To be fair the article is at least reasonably well written (hmmm... just noticed it was actually the OP who wrote it - hope he isn't too offended by my comments as I am not normally this cantankerous towards fellow forum users) and has some valid points - PC gaming is not a bed of roses. I've tried to avoid wheeling out the usual arguments that have been put forward a thousand times before on these forums like how PC games look better, you can tweak and configure them more, the input system is better, and there's some titles you don't get on console so quickly (if at all), and gone down a different approach.

Just to clarify, I don't have a problem with people who dismiss the PC as a gaming platform for their needs. I'm sure consoles are perfectly suited for the requirements of some people. But others, such as myself, certainly won't be hanging up our mice just yet :)
I dont agree that the end is nigh for PC although the article does make a few good points. Part of it is simple economics. Game developers put out a game in its finished state. No need for patching and modding. When a kick ass title comes out its ready. PC Gaming on the other hand is a double edged sword, patches help improve the game. I firmly believe that BF2 might have had a detremental effect on the PC gaming community as it simply wasnt ready at launch

The guy also makes a good point about the cost of the latest hardware and what it actually gives you.

That said. With the emergence of new gaming engines things can only get better
Offended? No ;)

Re CPU. I just wanted to at least grab one benchmark that backs up what I was trying to say :p

Interesting point re the user base but I'm coming from the latest and greatest.

Anyway all comments are welcome. I'd have never dreamed of writing it before the 360 arrived.
Yep, I'm afraid so. The PC is going to go the same way the Amiga & ST went. You heard it here first folks.

MNuTz said:
why do we keep getting these stupid threads.

Another "yep". These kinds of threads pop up every time a "next gen" console is about to appear on the scene. Whenever one is about to be unleashed to the great unwashed ( :p ), it's the same every time. Oops, look out folks, your 2.5k pc is about to implode. Of course, they're wrong every time.
Must admit though, was wondering around town today (was supposed to meet a girl, but got stood up) and walked into one of the main games retailers. Took me a while to find the few pc games tucked up in a corner somewhere...
cheesyface said:
Must admit though, was wondering around town today (was supposed to meet a girl, but got stood up) and walked into one of the main games retailers. Took me a while to find the few pc games tucked up in a corner somewhere...

I can't remember the last time I bought a game from the high street though. They just can't compete with online retailers.

Hang on a mo. I just remembered. I bought Max Payne 2 out of a shop. They had it marked up as £19.99. So I had it. I think that was a day after its elease.
Is there anywhere that says the actual numbers of games sold on each platform anywhere? Would be interested to see what kind of differences there actually are.
On some of his key points though I think there is a lot of truth. The cost of games to meet ever more demanding graphical standards is rising at an unsustainable rate. The market is moribund with endless FPS games and MMORPG's that work on basically the same grind model. PC game innovation seems way down. I will admit the market is very mature and so innovation is difficult but closed structure systems like consoles seem to manage innovation much more readily, maybe this is because they are much more Japan-ocentric than the PC.

I'll admit there is a lot of twaddle in the guys piece but the last game I was truly enthusiastic about was Jumpgate, and it wasthe reason I bought my first PC, because I didn't know what a MMORPG was at the time and it looked like Elite. Since then there have been some good games, Civilisation 4 is great, but few that have captured me as completely as say Tomb Raider or Final Fantasy 7. Next year of course we will be slavering over the next super duper kick ass FPS that requires 2 X £400 graphics cards and 2 1600x1200 LCD monitors run on £600 CPU to get the very maximum detail the designer intended, and would I be wrong to bet its gameplay is largely unchanged since the days of Half Life or maybe even Doom?
I find games a lot easier on the pc with the mouse + keyboard comb. I can never seem to get the same control on the PS2 with the annoying stick things

I actually have a high amount of admiration for anybody who can play a console game to a good standard, as, IMO, console companies seem to employ people with genetically altered bent 8-fingered fat hands to make their control pads.
Mouse & Keyboard > Pad.
Oh, and also, 1280x960 > 320x200. Sure, there's HDTV, but who wants to spend thousands on a TV to fully enjoy their console?


(I'm a nice person, really :))
Tute said:
[Rant]Sure, there's HDTV, but who wants to spend thousands on a TV to fully enjoy their console?[/Rant]

It always makes me chuckle when im with a few of my friends, they're always telling my their consoles rule and they're so cheap compared to my PC. But each one of them has gone out and purchased a HD tv, bumping the cost through the roof!
Well for a good couple of years now ive hardly gamed on my PC, last couple of games i played through, and completed were HL2, and Fear, i sometimes put a game on, but i usually only play em for about 10minutes, i spend most of me time on the net, last time i played a game on my PC was a few days ago, a quick blast on CoD2, theres just nothing out, or coming out that interests me, well maybe the odd one, but its certainly not like a few years ago where the top games were being churned out, now its all the tosh getting churned out with the odd decent one.

Got myself a 360 yesterday, im gona play on that while my PC is downloading.
PC gaming will never die, its just i seem to get the feeling that developers prefer designing games for a console.

Games like quake, counter strike and others will never feel right on a console for me. I far prefer the feeling of a keyboard and mouse, and i also prefer a proper monitor with a decent resolution to a TV screen. When you look at games like battlefild 2 and CSS it shows its not dead.

I wouldnt say it was dead, its just a lot of people prefer the ease of just sticking a disk in a drive and playing. Its probably also got somethign to do with the fact that to builld a good gaming rig your looking at 300% of the price of a console.

IMO its just personal preference what you go for, PC or console.
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