Well I am old skool PC player. I am just too old to really get the hang of consoles. As several posters have highlighted, until consoles are hooked up to keybboards and mice I don't think there is any serious danger. Aside from FPS, there are also a whole range of games which simply don't appeal to the current console kiddies - strategy, simulators, etc...
However, I am getting seriously pi$$ed off with continuously trying to keep up witht he latest hardware coming out. One of the reasons the PC games market is rubbish lately is that developer don't have a stable paltform to develop to. Conversely, this is a console's forte, developers have got the time to design their games to make the most of the equipment. Us PC gamers are constantly having to trade off "well I know I could get CoD2 to look better on my PC than on the 360, but it would cost me £xxk". Then, come next September I will need to spend another couple of hundred to play CoD3 in its full glory.
I am veering towards a console. It won't be long till a keyboard/mouse will be available for consoles (PS2 already has them?), FPS will become controlable and other genres will become available and palyable on the consoles. A few peeps here have disparaged their console owning friends for not taking into account the cost of their HD TVs when talking about 360s, but they will probably go out oand get one themselves anyway. An HD TV isn't just for XMas (or consoles), it has a whole load of points that make it independantly desirable.
Yep, I'm going to wait and see if Rome Total War, or something like it comes out successfully on a console and then opt out of the PC hardware rat race.