Pc / gaming issue

4 Nov 2017
Well my problem i am having is i was getting very low fps in games yet my friend who has the same ish build gets a lot more than me.we then checked and did stress tests and my FX 6300 is only getting to around 400 and my friend was getting around 1028. here is everything i have maybe you can find the issue. thanks


Amd FX 6300 3.5ghz stock cooler
MSI 970 Gaming motherboard
8gb ddr xms 3 ram 1333mhz
750w corsair modular psu
Sandisk 60gb ssd Windows
OCZ 60 gb ssd
Msi gtx 1050 TI gaming X 4GB

here is my cores they seem to be running very low http://prntscr.com/h67fyz

i feel like my motherboard is bottlenecking my cpu as my friend has a 78lmt usb 3 gigabyte one and gets 1028 in cpu stress and 150 fps in benchmark test yet i cant get any higher then 400 in stress and no higher than 60 in bench mark test
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Have you checked that CPU heatsink isn't clogged by dust/its fan works?
Those Bulldozer architecture CPUs are rather power hogs (for very weak IPC) and hence produce easily lots of heat.
Is that not just powering down while its not in use? Make the CPU do some work and watch cpu-z and see if it goes up.
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