Pc gets stuck

23 Oct 2011
hi. im facing a problem regarding my desktop.
initially the problem was that pc used to freeze with a buzzing sound coming from speakers aND i had to restart it to fix the issue.
but now while running my pc gets slowed. cursor moves sluggish sometimes. if im watching a movie, the movie stops for a few seconds. and when its played it produces a buzzing noise every 4-6 seconds.
and when i restart it gets stuck on the windows loading screen.. sometimes gets stuck on a black screen. and rarely says no drive found
when the computer gets stuck.. im mostly able to move my cursor.. but cannot do anything else.. i try ctrl + alt + del and screen goes black.. after a while the options show up and everything starts working as normal. during the stuck phase. the hard disk led is constantly on.
i also tried removing my dvd combo drive. i did life guard hard disk test for my hard disk. and it said pass.
all this is random. happens anytime.. be it browsing playing games or watching a movie.
im unable to diagnose the problem and cannot find any related problem on google or anywhere
heating is not an issue. temperature is around 60 degree of cpu and 45 of gpu.

intel 2600k core i7 second generation
asus sabertooth p67 mother board
ati radeon 6950 2gb gpu
8gb ram corsair vengeance
500gb caviar black 500aalx
power supply coolermaster silent pro 600

my pc was fine up until recently.
kindly help me
Is the sytsem clocked?

Are all your drivers upto date (sound in particular)?

Did you fix the 'freezing/buzzing' problem or did it resolve itself?

If you did fix it what was causing it? If it resolved itself can you remember if you updated a driver or disconnected some HW around that simialr time?

Also, how full is your main drive and have you defragged recently?
no i never oc any hardware
drivers are not upto date i think. i reinstalled my windows and used the cd that came with my motherboard to install drivers
no i could never fix it. it vanishes for some time.. like a day or half a day.. starts happening again
my drive is almost half full. but i formatted it whole a week back when i reinstalled windows.
drivers are not upto date i think. i reinstalled my windows and used the cd that came with my motherboard to install drivers

I would start by updating all your drivers - MB, gfx and sound.

The drivers that come with the HW (CD) are always months out of date by the time you come to use the HW. It's always best practice to download the latest drivers when installing a new peice of HW.
i just checked from asus website. my drivers are the same as the website is giving me for my mother board.

Really - all of them?

Having said that it may not be that unusual as the B3 revisions came out late so they probably updated the CD drivers too.

What about the gfx and sound? Sometimes the Realtek site will have more upto date drivers than the MB site.
I wonder if resource monitor might be useful to see if any process/processes are running at large CPU, RAM and hard disk utilisation when this occurs. I think it's on the Performance tab of the Ctrl Alt Del screen.

At what stage of boot was the black screen? Bios or windows loading?
Personally I would be stress testing components until you can reproduce the freeze. In my experience, with screen freezing in paticular, I would be looking at the GPU. The PSU is only 600w though - how new is that? It's a pretty high end card and if the PSU has degraded at all it could account for freezing.

Also check the event log for errors in System.
@ tealc
boot stuck at the windows loading screen.
and in performance tab cpu usage doesnot increase significantly

@ stabhappy
its 6 months old. the requirement for the gpu on amd website is 500w.
and its sli ready. im using only 1 gpu.
and kindly explain what did you mean checking by event log for errors in system
oh thankyou. i checked the event manager and its showing error
i was playing a game half an hour ago. my game hung. i pressend windows key start menu popped up but frooze there. cursor was moving. i pressed ctrl alt delete. nothing happened
although numlock and capslock was turning off and on. and hdd led was constantly on.
after a while it fixed itself and game continued. like 30 seconds or so
another thing i just noticed.
tried installing windows xp. it gave me bsod while at "loading setup files"
and tried installing vista 64 bit it told me some installer files are missing. borrowed another cd from friend.. said the same on it. then copied that dvd and made a bootable usb. same error.. unable to install 64 bit windows aswel.
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problem has increased now. episodes of such hangs has tripled or more. and hang time has also increased from 30 seconds to 4-5 minutes. is any of my hardware failing ?
I would run memtest overnight from a bootable ISO - link.

If it passes memtest you may have to strip down the rig to a skeleton setup and start the long slow process of diagnostics...
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i tried running the wd life guard tool to check my hard disk for error. it said hard disk not found

I presume you're using the DOS version?

Does the HDD show up in the BIOS?

Could you clarify 'where you're at' now and bullet point the steps/tests that you've taken to date.
yes i used the dos version and it gave the error 0120 no hard disk found
yes hdd shows up in bios. it works fine sometimes.
i have tried the lifeguard test but was unsuccessful (dos version) windows version worked fine.
waiting for the night to do memtest as ive work to do in day.
ive tried replacing hdd cables and power cables.
i removed my dvd drive
updated my drivers
reinstalled windows (was unable to instal 64bit)
cleaned dust
thats about it. now i cant figure out what seems to be the problem.
the only thing that is coming to my mind is that my hard disk is dying. but i cant seem to find a way to confirm that
You could try a different HDD tool Ultimate Boot CD. The samsung ES Tool can be used to check other makes of disks it's on the CD (along with WD's DLG Diagnostic).

Have you tried different SATA ports - and which ones are you using? Use the intel ones - if you aren't already.

You could also try updating the firmware of the HDD.

EDIT: I would also check BIOS updates and clear the CMOS after the update - if yu don't update the BIOS i would still clear the CMOS and load optimised defaults.
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its very hard to reset cmos of my mother board. it has a full armor covering it that i will have to remove.
currently downloading the ubcd
and yes ive tried different sata ports
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