pc lag

23 Jan 2010
St helens
ok so when i do several things like, converting a film, web tabs open , listening to music / watching film / folding all at same time i some times get a frooze laggy pc, if i open my task manager my CPU isnt quite using all 4 cores and all my ram isnt used, would this be my HDD? i want an SSD but more reasons to deffantly have one will make me get one quicker.:D:D:D
It's more likely to be cpu load/ram usage than being limited by hdd access times, particularly if you're accessing multiple hard drive.s
I'd say that the HDD is a likely culprit.

If you're on Windows 7 try looking at the disk activity using the Resource Monitor. Have a Google to get an explanation of what it shows you.
cpus fine and dandy.

its only a basic pc

4 gig value ram corsair
PII 555 unlocked to a x4 at 3.5
Asrock 890GX 4
ati 4870
580 psu

and 1 slow rpm energy saver HDD
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