PC now won't boot after crashing.

5 Nov 2005
Yate, Bristol
So....Last night I was playing BF2 for a while and it all went fine until I came off and was talking on MSN then my PC decided to randomly crash, I was a bit annoyed but didn't think much more of it until I booted up again.

It gets to the main Windows loading screen stays on that for ages then blue screens and comes up with an error message saying something like "PAGEFILE_FAULT_IN_NON_PAGEFILE_AREA" then it tells me to disable memory dumping/shadowing in the BIOS but I couldn't find that so I restarted again and it just keeps doing it over and over again.

So I try to re-install Windows. It gets to the Windows install bit fine, I deleted the Partition I had and made a new one and installed Windows on that, it gets so far through and blue screens with that error message

So I try quick format, full format and leaving the current file system intact but it STILL blue screens.
I thought it may have been my HDD (Samsung SpinPoint P SATA) so I try and old IDE one I had in my room and it does exactly the same bloody thing.

I was told that my memory (GeIL 2GB Value RAM) might be faulty so I run MemTest for a few hours and can't see a problem. Restart the PC and now I can't get a signal on the ****** screen. The NB fan stays on full power when it usually doesn't, it usually stays on full power for a few seconds and slows down. I get no beeps or anything so I really don't know what's up.

Spec just incase you need it:
DFI LanParty SLi-D Motherboard
BFG GeForce 7800GT OC GFX Card
2GB GeIL Value RAM
Hiper Type R 580W PSU
Soundblaster Audigy 2ZS sound card
1x 80GB Western Digital IDE HDD
1x 40GB Samsung Spinpoint P SATA HDD
Asetek WaterChill water cooling.

Any ideas.
Quick update:

I've cleared the CMOS and I now get a signal on the monitor but when I go into the BIOS to change the boot order to 1)CDROM 2)HDD 3)Floppy and save it then reboot it does the same as it was doing before....Not getting a signal on the monitor until I clear the CMOS.
What happens when you try to boot with 1Gb ram in correct slot, 1 hard drive,
no sound card, and try swapping the ram module over and boot with cmos cleared.

Pagefile errors are usually memory errors but the causes can vary from the bios to the psu.
Dead MOBO?

To hazard a guess i would say bios failure, if you can re-flash it from a floppy try going back to the version that last worked.

Have you checked the correct mobo revision code?

Or a BIOS setting which is not a default setting needing to be changed maybe
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I've just found some Crucial RAM that I had in my old PC and tried that out of despiration (SP?) and it worked :D

It boots just fine now. Just trying to install Windows. So now I think I'll need to RMA my RAM. :(
Well it's all sorted now. Had a bit of fun while installing Windows. First I forgot to put the SATA drivers on so Windows wouldn't work properly then I installed the wrong SATA driver. :o

Hopefully I'll have no more problems. :o

Cheers for the help Ruhbarb!
Sounded like memory but strange you didnt get any errors in memtest when you ran it. You really need to run it for 24hrs but would still expect errors after a few. Least its sorted now. I had the same problem as you once but i got errors after an hr in memtest. I had 1gb corsair 4400 running at 2.95v with a 80mm fan blowing over it and it still died after 5 months
Now I say I've sorted it but I have a feeling some of the ram slots are faulty. I can run 256MB totally fine in the top yellow slot. If I shut down the PC and put another 256MB (Not Crucial) in the other yellow slot and it doesn't boot. If I take it out and swap the sticks round and just boot with the one stick of 256MB RAM it boots fine.

Grrrrrr PC's can be so annoying!
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