pc unstable with no overclock

22 Sep 2020
hi i just noiced in HWINFO in the windows error bit it said i have errors under cpu and another one with cpu in it so did intel extreme tuning utility benchmark and it pop up with another error so did it again and the pc blue screen and come up with the message saying overclock unstable and had to redo settings in bios i'm only useing XMP

anyone got any ideas how to fix this?

MSI z690 ace
16GB 6000Mhz 2 sticks for 32gb

Inno3D GeForce RTX 4080 iChill Frostbite​

EK Water Blocks EK-Quantum Kinetic TBE 300

EK Water Blocks EK-Quantum Velocity²​

Corsair RM850x 850W Modular Power Supply 80 Plus Gold​

I'm not really familiar with the error reporting in those programs, or what they mean.

Do you have any whea errors in the event viewer?

Did xmp set the voltage correctly?

Temperatures are fine?
Try it without xmp, if it still crashes then it's more than the ram.
I've heard of 6000mhz being 'unstable' so you might need to run it at a lower setting.

Check the bios to make sure no 'auto overclock' is enabled

850W psu might also be borderline for that spec when it has it's 'power spikes' which might be causing issues when the cpu etc 'ramps up'...
@chris blackford are you referring to "Windows Hardware Errors (WHEA)"? If so then yes you need to go to stock, and that includes without XMP, and see if the errors return under stress (e.g. benchmark). If they do there is likely to be a genuine hardware problem.
@chris blackford are you referring to "Windows Hardware Errors (WHEA)"? If so then yes you need to go to stock, and that includes without XMP, and see if the errors return under stress (e.g. benchmark). If they do there is likely to be a genuine hardware problem.
yer no errrors on stock it semes fine for a few days than it happens ive run stress tests today no crash
If they are WHEA then there will be entries in the Event Viewer (aka SEL). Set up a filter and check the details.
i found

under a warning
A corrected hardware error has occurred.

Reported by component: Processor Core
Error Source: Unknown Error Source
Error Type: Internal parity error
Processor APIC ID: 16

The details view of this entry contains further information.

this is the only one that gives me info

the other 2 the come up just say

A hardware event has occurred. An informational record describing the condition is contained in the data section of this event.

and thay have just say info
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so far knock on wood lol its not happen since i made me post i found a reddit that had sum one with sameish prob and a lot of ppl said to up ram voltage up by 0.5 so trying that at mo after i did that my 3d mark scores went up too grate and that was a big jump the only strangeness after doing this so far is my sensors software app's would get stuck for abit and then it would just open if i reboot my pc it fixs it after the first reboot but it's only happened 2 times but its only the sensors apps that seme to play up i stress tested at this time with ETU for 30 mins no crashs and no errors in HWINFO and games seme to run fine
I didn't read the post so maybe way off mark here, I just spotted your solution.
I guess you are running your RAM in XMP. This is actually an overclock and is not guaranteed to work. So upping the voltage may well be a perfectly valid solution.
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