PC woes - unknown trouble.

6 Aug 2010
Hi there

I really don't know what this problem is so I don't really have a clue what tests I could run so all help appreciated but my system is as below (overclock has been removed so cpu is stock 3.2Ghz again)

The only symptons I have noticed is occasionally really slow intenet and disconnects, coming here now to post this it first atempt at main forum page ended in page cannot be displayed, then fine into general hardware and two attempts at new thread. However the confusing this is I am chatting on msn and that didn't disconnet and my download carried on at ~500kbs. Though the opposite can happen too, where I will be chatting on msn and get disconnected yet web pages load perfectly. Or as just now tried opening cam and it fails repeatadly or works and mine freezes though the other persons doesn't

I have not noticed any other problems in any other programs and I have had some photoshop, video converting, gaming all with not problem.

I guessed it could be some software clash or virus but a brand new instal of windows 7 onto a spare hdd and problems persist so I can only presume its hardware.

PC is connected to a router by cable but I have tried resetting router and modem, plugging pc directly into modem with no avail. Xbox seems to run online without any lag or problems so pretty much ruled out actual internet problems.

So yh I am lost anyone got a clues?

Thank you so much in advance.
Good news- you can put your overclock back on.

This is a software issue, almost certainly. Update your network card drivers (check on the website- Windows isn't fantastic at searching for new ones), and clear out the cache/temporary internet files, history and cookies from your computer. I wouldn't rule out viruses, either- do a sweep with your preferred software.

I would also change your DNS servers to that of openDNS (openDNS.com for more info on this), and flush your DNS cache (run ipconfig /flushdns).
Thanks for the help hybrid, would think most of them would have been done with the new windows but I shall try them all again. I will look at the DNS too, though wont be able to do until I get home later.
Right update on this, this is what I have now done:

Updated drivers to that from gigabytes website.
Ran AVG, Spybot and adaware all come back clean.
Ran prime for an hour and half to see if stressing system would cause further problems - no bsod's no hangs, temps all reasonable.
Used xbox's internet cable incase was that but no change.

As fresh instal of windows I had to download spybot/avg/adaware and while doing so I noticed the download speed was fluctuating from ~300kbs tops but lowest was registering as 1 kbs.

Hijacked parents PC too and connecting to same router no problems with internet, everything would come up as quick as I could want.

Keeping an eye on hw monitor, cpu z, coretemp and task manager nothing stands out as being wrong, temps are normal, cpu usage is fine, multiplier changes with cool and quiet, RAM is right speed/right voltage.

So the question - With everything seemingly being normal what can cause this? I can provide screenshots of anything you want or run any tests you can think of but I am lost and now royally ****ed off at this.
Im having the exact same problem!
I put it down to my ISP as they are well.. crap.

But thinking about it it could be a software issue, are you using wireless or wired, im about to try mine on a wireless connection to see if it changes as my brother has been yanking my ethernet cable as hard as he can to p*** me off.

Ill let you know if anything changes if it applies to you :D
Who is your ISP? I am with Virgin and there has been problems with the actual phone line recently so I did wonder but it doesn't explain away both xbox and parents PC not suffering. I don't have the parts to try wireless, so I have to run it on the cables that are run through the house, though I have tried it on different cables to rule out it being the actual cable.

Everything I know tells me to look at software due to it coming and going yet I cannot find a problem anywhere. Interestingly though, tonight I have had slow internet but no time outs like I was suffering last night.
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Well, that's all the obvious and easily fixable problems sorted.

It sounds like your network adapter on your motherboard is a bit dodgy. I'd try a dedicated card / USB stick, they're cheap now. Ideally try a friend's out, but this is cheap and will do the job fine.

It is guesswork, I will admit, but with you having done all those troubleshooting methods and everything working fine on other people's computers, I'd now agree with your original analysis that it is a hardware problem. Onboard network solutions do have problems, so a USB dongle or a dedicated PCI card should hopefully bring an end to your woes.
Yeah that is what I am thinking hybrid but still curios to the sunday working, monday dead scenario though. If network card sorts out the problem I guess just put it down to one of those things.

I can't use that dongle you link, my routher doesn't have a wireless facility. I assume any of the network cards will be fine, like this one??? http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=NW-016-TP&groupid=46&catid=1597&subcat=1599 as I don't want to pay £18 for the netgear one to find it doesn't cure it.
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