Hi there
I really don't know what this problem is so I don't really have a clue what tests I could run so all help appreciated but my system is as below (overclock has been removed so cpu is stock 3.2Ghz again)
The only symptons I have noticed is occasionally really slow intenet and disconnects, coming here now to post this it first atempt at main forum page ended in page cannot be displayed, then fine into general hardware and two attempts at new thread. However the confusing this is I am chatting on msn and that didn't disconnet and my download carried on at ~500kbs. Though the opposite can happen too, where I will be chatting on msn and get disconnected yet web pages load perfectly. Or as just now tried opening cam and it fails repeatadly or works and mine freezes though the other persons doesn't
I have not noticed any other problems in any other programs and I have had some photoshop, video converting, gaming all with not problem.
I guessed it could be some software clash or virus but a brand new instal of windows 7 onto a spare hdd and problems persist so I can only presume its hardware.
PC is connected to a router by cable but I have tried resetting router and modem, plugging pc directly into modem with no avail. Xbox seems to run online without any lag or problems so pretty much ruled out actual internet problems.
So yh I am lost anyone got a clues?
Thank you so much in advance.
I really don't know what this problem is so I don't really have a clue what tests I could run so all help appreciated but my system is as below (overclock has been removed so cpu is stock 3.2Ghz again)
The only symptons I have noticed is occasionally really slow intenet and disconnects, coming here now to post this it first atempt at main forum page ended in page cannot be displayed, then fine into general hardware and two attempts at new thread. However the confusing this is I am chatting on msn and that didn't disconnet and my download carried on at ~500kbs. Though the opposite can happen too, where I will be chatting on msn and get disconnected yet web pages load perfectly. Or as just now tried opening cam and it fails repeatadly or works and mine freezes though the other persons doesn't
I have not noticed any other problems in any other programs and I have had some photoshop, video converting, gaming all with not problem.
I guessed it could be some software clash or virus but a brand new instal of windows 7 onto a spare hdd and problems persist so I can only presume its hardware.
PC is connected to a router by cable but I have tried resetting router and modem, plugging pc directly into modem with no avail. Xbox seems to run online without any lag or problems so pretty much ruled out actual internet problems.
So yh I am lost anyone got a clues?
Thank you so much in advance.