PC wont post after using Asus EZ Tuner

23 Aug 2017
Hi Guys first time poster,

I'm looking for help with a problem i am having with my pc.

Asus Z170-P
i7 6700K
Kingston Hyper X DDR4
Strix 980 OC.

I built my PC last year (my second one) and all has been fine since then, i got home last night and noticed i had the old BIOS drivers on, i can't remember the version number but i know it was from 2015.

So i downloaded the most recent driver from ASUS and put it on a memory stick, used EZ flash and updated Bios from memory stick. That all went well and PC restarted and booted back up to the Asus splash screen, searching for the incredible or whatever it says. I went back into the Bios and used EZ Tuner, it told me the CPU would be increased by 15% and the RAM would not be increased.

After doing this the computer restarted but no Asus Splash screen. The fans and LEDS are coming on like everything should apart from the K&M, my monitors and the PC wont get the splash screen or boot at all. I have tried removing the CMOS battery for 30 mins and replacing it, but still nothing. PC was perfect before this so i almost certain none of my hardware is the issue i just think i have bricked my mobo?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Tried on board graphics last night, i took the GPU out but it still didn't even get to splash screen, monitors or K&M didn't come on.

I will try the one stick of RAM in all the slots tonight! Out of curiosity why would that work?

Hi, I have tried all of the above and still nothing. I guess it's time for me to get a new mobo? Any recommendations for around the 150 mark?
Thanks for the replies all, I tried everything, i went out of town for a few days and took my PC apart without the CMOS battery in, came back and nothing. I shorted the RTC Jumpers and still nothing. Tried breadboading it with one stick of RAM and nothing. I think it was the BIOS update before the EZ tune that did it. I ended up getting an MSI mobo on offer and within 40 mins of it arriving i had a perfectly working machine again. Thanks for suggestions!
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