
2 May 2004

I recently ordered my new PC & I was able to get 8500 RAM - it was the same price as the 6400 and only £10 more than the 5300.

I've been told that the RAM will run at 6400 speeds unless I manually change it.

I worked out that to have the RAM running full speed & 1:1 you'd need to take the CPU to just under 4.8GHZ which is just silly (for me anyway, I've never overclocked before).

If I've understood correctly the FSB would be 533 meaning the RAM would be 1066 (8500).

Are there ways to set the RAM to the specified 5-5-5-15 1066Mhz speeds without taking the CPU so high (I don't want to mess around with voltages, I just want to take my E6600 to 3Ghz+ by simply raising the FSB when I get it).

melbourne720 said:
what motherboard do you have? My 680i can run the memory asynchronous, as can the 650i and the RD600.

It'll be the P35-DS4

So does your board support 8500 RAM without overclocking the CPU ton then?

Reality|Bites said:
you could lower the multiplier from 9 to 8 or maybe even 6.

Ah yes, I forgot about that.

Could I do something like multiplier 6 and FSB 533 making it 3.2Ghz?
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Why does it have to be 1:1?

The P35-DS4 has memory multipliers that let you run your memory faster than the FSB (upto x4 the FSB.).
Cob said:
Why does it have to be 1:1?

The P35-DS4 has memory multipliers that let you run your memory faster than the FSB (upto x4 the FSB.).

I read for best performance (IIRC) you set it to 1:1?

So, in theory, I could just about run my RAM at 8500 speeds without overclocking at all??
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