PDZ freezing, is it normal?

2 Nov 2003
Is it normal for PDZ to freeze up occasionally?

I've had no problems with my 360 since launch day, but in the last week I have been playing PDZ more and I've had it freeze three times (no red lights on the 360). Considering I've played PGR3 for up to 4 hours with no overheating problems I'm wondering if it's just bad code? If not RMA time for the 360...
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Mine froze last night in PGR3 when pressing B to get out the challenges menu in Solo Career, more often than not pressing the guide button when someone sends a message locks it up too.
I play PDZ all the time and I've never experienced any freezing during gameplay.

Only froze I got was when I was in a lobby, game started to load and then I hit the Live button to check who was online. Thats been the only time PDZ has played up.
Only freeze I've ever had was on the rooftops mission, screen was full of orange artifacts. This was though about 3 days after I'd got the console on release day and when I had the console in the TV cabinet, so it could have been heat related.

Other than that, same as GuruJockStrap, played on it everynight for nearly a week now and had no problems at all.
Yeah, mine is locking up sometimes during actual gameplay (twice on level 9 single player, once on the desert mp map on live). It just freezes and I have to reset the 360. Might give it an extended play tonight and RMA the 360 if it happens again (nothing wrong with the disc). Bought the 360 from game.net, think I can get a new one off game or do I have to get a repair off MS?
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RichL said:
Yeah, mine is locking up sometimes during actual gameplay (twice on level 9 single player, once on the desert mp map on live). It just freezes and I have to reset the 360. Might give it an extended play tonight and RMA if it happens again. Bought it from game.net, think I can get a new one off game or do I have to get a repair off MS?

Don't know the answer, but if you do get one, I'd really appreciate you letting me know too as my PGR3 is getting a bit worn and I'd love to know how to get a replacement as I got it from the same place as you.
~J~ said:
Don't know the answer, but if you do get one, I'd really appreciate you letting me know too as my PGR3 is getting a bit worn and I'd love to know how to get a replacement as I got it from the same place as you.
Sorry, I meant getting a replacement/repair for my 360. I don't think there is anything wrong with the pdz disc.
PGR3 locks up everytime I press the guide button unless I'm in the initial screens (ie before you enter a lobby or race) . Never did this before I added the hard drive and its very annoying.
Over the last couple of days I haven't actually been able to play more than 10 minutes of PGR. It freezes, and I have to reset. It's showing all the signs of overheating, but both the Xbox and the Power Supply are only ever "a bit warm". They are also in well-ventilated areas.

PDZ has also started locking up now, generally after 5-10mins of play.

Guess I'll have to return mine.
I was just about to start a new thread, but I think I can integrate into this thread fairly seamlessly... if you hit the guide button then Y (go to dash) as PDZ loads up does the screen just go black? If I do the same thing in PGR3 it actually loads the dash as it should. I wouldn't be concerned had I not dropped my 360 2', it otherwise seems ok, but some reassurance would be nice!
Crashing on pressing the guide button then exiting to dash is a common problem from what I've read: in particular from game main menus or when games are loading. This problem should be fixed in the update.
Great, thanks, my 360 suddenly seems quite hardy, its been relocated and mistreated quite often.
So if MS replace your 360 do they send a brand new unit or a refurb? I wouldn't be happy having a refurb on a machine less than 2 months old.
My PDZ also crashes radomly. its not overheating and no other light come up when it hangs so im guessing its just bad code.

havent played it that much, but i can play it for an hour without a hitch, then the next time i play , 30 secs into it the whole game just freezes. quality control on this game is very substandard. abit like the game itself IMHO
kidloco said:
My PDZ also crashes radomly. its not overheating and no other light come up when it hangs so im guessing its just bad code.
I think it might be the game too, I'm leaving my 360 viewing PGR3 Gotham TV all day to see if it is overheating.
i know mine defo isnt overheating, its in a cool room, on a well ventalted glass shelf, loads of room all around. I can leave PGR3 on all day not a problem. even my power pack doesnt get hot.

I guess its to be expected when a game is rushed out for launch. I mean what other excuse is there for some of the sloppy touches in the game. graphics especally. you can clearly see by the player models and some of the textures that XBOX360 was not the intended console it was going to end up on.

God love em, Rare have tried to gloss up some of the graphics with OTT shiney textures, but as my old nan used to say...... you cant pollish a turd !
PDZ went from development from the Gamecube initally, then to the XBOX 1 and finally rushed over to the 360 at the last minute.

Has its flaws, single player is pretty poor and is not graphically fantastic but its such great fun online, which for me is the most important thing.
kidloco said:
i know mine defo isnt overheating, its in a cool room, on a well ventalted glass shelf, loads of room all around. I can leave PGR3 on all day not a problem. even my power pack doesnt get hot.
Mine is in a cool room and very well ventilated but I still think it could be overheating internally. All it takes is for the CPU or GPU heatsink to be in poor contact and the temps could soar.
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