PDZ freezing, is it normal?

Just played pdz single player for just over an hour and it has frozen again. I'll have to get a new 360 off game.net or MS now...
Do MS sending out refurbs or new units as replacements?
RichL , i really dont think its your xbox mate. do you not think its strange that it only happens on PDZ, mine does the same. so do plenty of others. you also get warning lights appearing on the XBOX360 before the CPU overheats enough to shut down, so if you havent got them then its not that. Also, if the CPU HSF was poorly fitted, and bad contact was an issue, it would once again effect everygame, all of the time.

to Summarise - dont go sending back your xbox360, its fine ( unless you are getting warning lights and crashes on all games, PGR3 doesnt count, as there is a crash issue when accesing dashboard at certain times that is being addressed. ) The problem is PDZ, its a poorly coded, rushed out, bug ridden game. sell it to some poor bugger 2nd hand
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I'm getting a new one from my local game store now. I'm sure its overheating as it crashes everytime I play pdz for 1 hour and then within minutes each time I restart it.
Aye, i'm about to send mine off aswell. both PGR3 and PDZ crash after about 10 minutes of play (weird coloured lines all over the screen when it frrezes, too)
chads, your graphics glitches defo suggest a hardware error. heard of it a few time. plus the fact its doing it on all games. when PD0 freezes on mine, i dont get any glitches at all, just sticks on a certain frame, and only thing you can do is reboot. no lights on the xbox nothing. can happen when i havent used the xbox for days and 5 mins into a game, then nothing after hours. weird. thats why i thinks the game is the issue where my xbox is concerned
I havent experianced any crashes in PDZ after many days of online play (Or any games for that matter), Ive had mine since launch day.
I've rung up and arranged to have a box delivered. He didn't mention how I could get it to them, I assume it already has the labels etc on it? Does it have instructions on who to ring/what to quote at DHL so I don't have to pay for delivery? If not, could someone post the phone number I need to arrange a pick-up.

I have been having similar happen while playing COD2. Then this morning it didnt even make it past the dashboard before locking up and the screen artefacting.
Rebooted, removed all the leads and reseated them and now just 3 red lights, so rang MS for a replacement.
The RMA service is sounding like a bit of a joke already, they cant tell you when it will be picked up (which is really annoying as I work nights some days of the week and dont really fancy being woken up), they cant tell you when a replacement is likely and they can't tell you if it will be sent for repair or replaced with a new/refurbished machine. Ho Hum. Its not like you can even take it back to a store to get a replacement when there's none on the shelves :(
Chads said:
Top class, can't complain about that tbh

Why not? Sorry but its about the worst RMA I have had on anything TBH. Completely open ended pickup, open ended time frame for return and cant tell you if it will be repaired or replaced. No really very good, especially a company of this calibre.
Would much prefer courier to come with new one and do doorstep swap ;)
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