Peace in the middle east?

15 Mar 2005
I am everywhere...
Well, will there ever be peace between Israel and Palastine? I mean real and everlasting peace?. If the Hamas and some other countries are sworn to the distruction of Israel and with Israel kinda having the backing of USA and some Western countries this can only bring about more violence, due to the fact that the West and those countries backing Palastine (say Iran for example) have a different view of things e.g. Democracy, religion freedom etc.

The situation when i think about it, is just filled with chaos, confusion and violence. The younger generation from both has been pre-programmed or made to beleive they are sworn enemies for life - this can only make matters worse for the on coming generation.

I am not a believer but sometimes i wonder if the Bible is right with regards to peace in Israel and parts of middle east in general.
I also wonder if the internvention of western goverment and other government is in anyway "helping" the situation.

Sometimes are i think maybe they are all crazy fighting over a piece of land that in my view sometimes aint worth all the blood spilled on all sides.

Anyway, what do you guys think, Peace in the middle east especially between Israel and Palastine a reality or something that wont happen? :confused:
Chunky said:
no western intervention= no israel= no problem

If the Israelis didn't have American backing and support chances are they'd be attacked. If they couldn't defend themselves with conventional weapons they could end up breaking out the nukes.

I personally think they should sort out it out like men to be honest. We should confiscate Israeli nukes then let them duke it out with arab states. Numbers and fanaticism versus western technology. :p Whoever wins can have whatever's left of what seems to me to be a rather crappy part of the world.
MoNkeE said:
A topic for Speakers Corner maybe?


That's what i thought but then it will turn political and getting confusing at the end. In the GD here, people just say what they think with out getting too political i think.
Chunky said:
no western intervention= no israel= no problem

What the difference between what you are saying and what Hamas wanna do? Israel are here to stay, the earlier they are included (with palastine too) the earlier and easier the problem will be sorted.
Israel simply wants to live in peace and security, they are a tiny little country surrounded by hostile nations. They have made peace with Jordan and Egypt and would be willing to make deals with Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia etc but they refuse to accept Israel's existence.
Gedalia_w said:
Israel simply wants to live in peace and security, they are a tiny little country surrounded by hostile nations. They have made peace with Jordan and Egypt and would be willing to make deals with Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia etc but they refuse to accept Israel's existence.

Israel, accroding to a Haretz(sp?) article I read, is turning into even more of a racist nation with 67% of the population not wanting to live next to an Arab.

As for making Israel to be a victim - don't make me laugh. Just look at the overwhelming number of victims of Israeli agression, not just in the OT, but also the two murderous assaults on Lebanon.

You last statement about not recognising Israel's existense is also false. You have the Saudi Peace initiative of 2002, which was a revival of the Fahd Plan* of 1981, which was flatley rejected thus forgotten about. There was also the Fez Initiative of 1982, sadly also forgotten about.

*Admittedly, not the most unbiased of sources. But it details what the Fahd Plan was about and also links to another forgotten plan, the Fez Initiative, including a link to the letter sent to the UN in 1982.
ElRazur said:
Well, will there ever be peace between Israel and Palastine? I mean real and everlasting peace?. If the Hamas and some other countries are sworn to the distruction of Israel and with Israel kinda having the backing of USA and some Western countries this can only bring about more violence, due to the fact that the West and those countries backing Palastine (say Iran for example) have a different view of things e.g. Democracy, religion freedom etc.

The situation when i think about it, is just filled with chaos, confusion and violence. The younger generation from both has been pre-programmed or made to beleive they are sworn enemies for life - this can only make matters worse for the on coming generation.

I am not a believer but sometimes i wonder if the Bible is right with regards to peace in Israel and parts of middle east in general.
I also wonder if the internvention of western goverment and other government is in anyway "helping" the situation.

Sometimes are i think maybe they are all crazy fighting over a piece of land that in my view sometimes aint worth all the blood spilled on all sides.

Anyway, what do you guys think, Peace in the middle east especially between Israel and Palastine a reality or something that wont happen? :confused:

Simple answer for a silly question....Ummm NOPE they can try for all the peace in the world but it will never happen, perhaps they will calm down on the suicide bombings and what not but there will always be tensions between the israeli's and palestinians its as simple as that. All it will take is some nutter doing something silly then the whole peace process will go up in flames so to speak.

Yes im such an optimist NOT:D:p
Chunky said:
no western intervention= no israel= no problem
Although I do largely agree with that comment, it wouldn't solve the problem. There has always been, and will always be trouble in this part of the world. Israel just makes it worse. The west should certainly stop supporting them if only for a short while. The state of Israel is a terrorist state if ever I saw one. :(

Gedalia_w said:
Israel simply wants to live in peace and security, they are a tiny little country surrounded by hostile nations. They have made peace with Jordan and Egypt and would be willing to make deals with Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia etc but they refuse to accept Israel's existence.
That’s because until recently Israel didn’t exists at all, and the processes that formed the state were underhand to say the leased. Would you accept it if the Jews had taken it apron them selves to form a state in southeast England. I doubt it, especially if it had been you parents who'd lost there home in the process. Israel is not a peaceful country, their short history has been one long war first with Britain and then with the Arabs. And they do this because they believe it's their "god given right". Sound familiar.
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Nup. Far too many religious zealots that believe its their way or the highway. It'll never work until they all grow up.
free_spirit said:
Now this I take issue with - have you ever visited the Middle East? It's one of the most beautiful places I've ever been...
Pity the current occupiers don't look after it then, eh? ;)
It wont happen in our lifetime but there may be signs of peace in the middle east within the next couple of generations.
free_spirit said:
Now this I take issue with - have you ever visited the Middle East? It's one of the most beautiful places I've ever been...

I don't really know much about the area, but what is the land like for habitat. What can be grown, how many people can it support?
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