Peace in the middle east?

@if ®afiq said:
And how have they done this?

By stealing the best land they could get.
By America giving it something close to £140 billion dollars.
By crushing the Palestinians and using them as a cheap labour force.

Of course all the self started Kibbutz's that started Israel off stole the land got massive funding and used arab labour?

You're just spouting propagandist rhetoric as usual. Educate yourself.
@if ®afiq said:
It's called The Holocaust Industry and has been a standard response in defending Israel.

Although I do agree with, it is beyond prespostorous to beleive that. In fact a more fitting similarity would be to compare Israel to South Africa during the Apartheid, an assertion that can easily be backed up by both past and current policies.
Well it’s only matter of time apparently.
Godwin's Law :D
NathanE said:
Yes it common knowledge. There's no need for anyone to "confirm" it :)

Intel Corp. has a massive R+D facility there. Israel has some very bright people.

Sorry, i was reffering to the second paragraph of the post i quoted.
@if ®afiq said:
By stealing the best land they could get.

So are you for or against immigration?

By America giving it something close to £140 billion dollars.

Does Palestine get any money? How much money are the Arab states that moan of American inequality willing to donate to Palestine?

By crushing the Palestinians and using them as a cheap labour force.

Strange way to describe employment
@if ®afiq said:
I found this to be quite amusing. Is CBS your source of knowledge and learning? Is he the Oracle?:eek:

No not really, but if you read his post in SC, he seems to make valid point and contribution. By the way i was refering to the second paragraph of the post i quoted.

Nothing wrong trying to learn though. :)
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free_spirit said:
Now this I take issue with - have you ever visited the Middle East? It's one of the most beautiful places I've ever been...

It seems to be full of hate filled people killing each other. I like to go to less hostile places. :)
cleanbluesky said:
So are you for or against immigration?

Immigration or the right to immigrate should be a fundamental right. However, to try and call what has happened with the influx of Jews as immigration is just being pedantic.

CBS said:
Does Palestine get any money? How much money are the Arab states that moan of American inequality willing to donate to Palestine?

This I don't know, they have offered to support Hamas and give $60 million a month. As for the past, I have yet to come accross anything showing how much money has been given.

CBS said:
Strange way to describe employment

If that's what you call it, then I can't help that. Although it seems you are being either pedantic or are not aware of the facts. Do you know about the working conditions for the average Palestinian, especially those that work within Israel?
the middle east should be settled by having the strongest fighter from one country, fighting the strongest fighter from the other.

whoever wins, wins.

simple. much less bloodshed, and they can make a few quid on pay per view on sky.

ElRazur said:
The western world cant help to be involved one way or other :) :D

As no one has answered you directly regarding my post, have a look at wiki:

Whats interesting is that the only reason Jordan was created was that the British had promised the Hashemite family lordship over most land in the region in return for their support in the Great Arab Revolt during World War I! They were not even from the area, they came from further up north.
@if ®afiq said:
Immigration or the right to immigrate should be a fundamental right. However, to try and call what has happened with the influx of Jews as immigration is just being pedantic.

Was the migration of Jews to Israel not immigration? Was AL-Husseini(sp?) not in league with Nazis?

This I don't know, they have offered to support Hamas and give $60 million a month. As for the past, I have yet to come accross anything showing how much money has been given.

This is a really good question, isn't it? Why do Arab states complain about inequality when they give money to Palestine (along with American money)? Do Arab states give any money to Israel? Yet America gives money to Palestine - yet you don't seem to mention this often... if Arab states think that Israel is unfairly funded, why do they not give money to Palestine? Would they also advocate America withdrawing financial support for Palestine?

If that's what you call it, then I can't help that. Although it seems you are being either pedantic or are not aware of the facts. Do you know about the working conditions for the average Palestinian, especially those that work within Israel?

1) Are they forced to work, or do they freely accept the jobs?

2) Do you have any evidence from an unbiased source?
damn this is a depressing thread.... when people are brought up to hate their neighbours for reasons they will probably never truely understand then it doesn't look promising for humanity

this happens all over the world though not just in the middle east for many different reasons, race sex age religion former problems ... take ** pick... all excuses for people to hate each other
cleanbluesky said:
Was the migration of Jews to Israel not immigration? Was AL-Husseini(sp?) not in league with Nazis?

It is unbeleivable how you try and associate the Palestinians with the Nazis! Why don't you post a link to that amazing site of yours which more or less links all Arab state with the Nazis?

As for the first part of your comment; the "migration" of the Jews was different to the migration of normal immigrants. My father migrated to this country on the 70's to look for work and feed his family. If that is all that the Jews had done, then things would not have been as they are now.

However, what happened was far from this simple rea world concept of migration.

CBS said:
This is a really good question, isn't it? Why do Arab states complain about inequality when they give money to Palestine (along with American money)? Do Arab states give any money to Israel? Yet America gives money to Palestine - yet you don't seem to mention this often... if Arab states think that Israel is unfairly funded, why do they not give money to Palestine? Would they also advocate America withdrawing financial support for Palestine?

Yes it is a good question and something that should be answered. It also may be the case that they (the Arabs) don't like advertising how much they give.

CBS said:
1) Are they forced to work, or do they freely accept the jobs?

2) Do you have any evidence from an unbiased source?

1) If they did not work they, along with all their families, will starve.

2) Is B'Tselem unbiased enough?
karoshi said:

even if if Kofi Anan gives g.dubbya his christmas and birthday presents at once and lets him reduce the entire middle east to smouldering irradiated atoms, one set of smouldering irradiated atoms will still want to kill the set of smouldering irradiated atoms next to them.

this is the gift that organised religion gives to the human race.

Are you serious ? George W does not wish to see the Middle East as a smouldering ruin, nor does any other credible leader wish to see this either. That is so far off the mark it is almost amusing if the situation were not so serious

Progress has been made as in Saudi Arabia, Egypt and other neighbouring countries recognising Israel as this is the common sense thing to do. Israel has been in existence since 1948 and they are here to stay whether people like it or not. They have been attacked my multi-national forces in 1967 and 1973 and they comprehensively defeated them both times without the need, use or threat of nuclear weapons. Israel is one of the most battle hardened nations on earth and they will fight to the last man to preserve their country.

There are problems though. Israel is often condemned internationally for por-active and reactive military operations including assassinations and their approach is seen as heavy handed and uncompromising.

Hamas have been recently voted in as the Palestinian Authority and they want a separate and independantly recognised state they still wish to see the destruction of Israel. They can not have it all. They must firstly acknowledge Israel's existence and their right to do so and dialogue to start from there as without that, then the process lacks any credibility.

Nobody can say that Israel are doing absolutely nothing about it. Ariel Sharon left his right wing party and started his own before his stroke and Ehud Olmert continues that policy to set final borders within the next few years and that means a Palestinian state can become a reality although the defining of those borders will no doubt be controversial and provoke more trouble.

Palestine can exist and I believe one day will exist and it will take a lot of compromise on both sides but the goal is not impossible.
@if ®afiq said:
It is unbeleivable how you try and associate the Palestinians with the Nazis! Why don't you post a link to that amazing site of yours which more or less links all Arab state with the Nazis?
Agreed. If anything I would say the Israelis behave more like the Nazis than the Palestinians. Which is ironic really.
Stretch said:
For a start why would the withdrawal of western support mean the death of the Jews?

Secondly I don't think the Arabs wish to see genocide. They just don't want to see them settle in what was their country and declare it as their own. Which is after all invasion by the back door. Something that was supposedly made illegal by international law after the Second World War.

Since when was it their country?
@if ®afiq said:
It is unbeleivable how you try and associate the Palestinians with the Nazis! Why don't you post a link to that amazing site of yours which more or less links all Arab state with the Nazis?

Are you contesting Al-Hesseini's involvement with the Nazis? If so, please provide a link at least... also, Palestinian involvement with Nazis is a historical matter can be referenced by more than a single web-page...

As for the first part of your comment; the "migration" of the Jews was different to the migration of normal immigrants. My father migrated to this country on the 70's to look for work and feed his family. If that is all that the Jews had done, then things would not have been as they are now.

However, what happened was far from this simple rea world concept of migration.

So they are immigrants depending on their intention? I thought an immigrant was someone who came from another country to live, since when was intention a factor? Also, I think most Jews were motivated by the possibility they may end up in gas chambers should they not flee.

Yes it is a good question and something that should be answered. It also may be the case that they (the Arabs) don't like advertising how much they give.

That would be a very interesting thing to find out...

1) If they did not work they, along with all their families, will starve.

Why is that? Can't they find jobs in Palestine... if they cannot, would this not be an internal economic matter for the Palestinians rather than the fault of the Israelis

2) Is B'Tselem unbiased enough?

Yes thank-you, seems fair enough apart from the beatings and I would be interested to know how they got this information...
Balddog said:
Since when was it their country?
Errm, is that a genuine question?
cleanbluesky said:
Why is that? Can't they find jobs in Palestine... if they cannot, would this not be an internal economic matter for the Palestinians rather than the fault of the Israelis.
I think finding a job would be easer without the bulldozers and roadblocks. Not to mention the war.
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