Peaky Blinders -New BBC series, 1919 Brummie Gangsters

4 Feb 2003
For anyone who is interested it starts this Thursday at 9.00 pm.

It's already apparently had a massive amount of international rights to air buying interest even before transmission.
Seen this advertised, caught my eye but I haplessly forgot what it was called! Thanks for the heads up, set to record. :)
Blimey, I'm loving this so far. Very stylish yet grimey and stark. Something about Cillian Murphy's character is nails (new avatar for the forum in the making??? ;)). His accent is also bloody good as well.

That was bostin, I loved it. Off down the Garrison for a pint now!!!
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So you discount a program because they used some artistic allegory to demonstrate a fact that by 1919 Birmingham was already a major destination for immigrants from the Empire to settle and find work.

All programming uses the technique in some form.
Yes, that's exactly what I said.

ED: Tbh, I thought it was a good show. Need to watch it again as I was distracted throughout most of it due to having a laugh with my 86 year old nan who I happened to be visiting at the time :D
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Date has been set "BBC Two at 9pm on Thursday, 2nd of October".

I find myself looking forward to the new season of this more than the big shows like The Walking dead.
Enjoyed this again last night. Character development also seems to be moving onto another level. I enjoy the way that the Director has scored the program with contemporary music. Was hoping that Grace would be in it again as she was hot!
Might give this a go. But what a stupid title.

Expecting a gang of adolescent ne'er do wells stealing apples from the vicar's garden
Might give this a go. But what a stupid title.

Expecting a gang of adolescent ne'er do wells stealing apples from the vicar's garden

The title comes from the name of a real life gang who were in Birmingham at the time. They had blades in the peaks of their caps hence peaky and...well I'll let you fill in the blinders part. I agree its not the best title, despite the historical link, but the show it absolutely brilliant so don't let that put you off!

I will say though the seasons run to a real arc structure so you'd be best to source season 1 ep 1 before you try to pick up this series. It's still entertaining I think but you will get loads more from it if you start from the beginning :)

Soloman was brilliant :p

If by brilliant you mean completely psychopathic then YES! :p
My mate told me about this last week, took me 3 attempts of watching the pilot before it finally stuck.

I've blitzed S1 and watch the latest 3 episodes of S2 this week.

Took a while to get accustomed to the brummy accents which have always sounded comedic to me.

It's so damn good, i've been trying to get every man and his dog to watch it.
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