Peep Show Fans

DHR said:
I was just about to say the same thing.... the new one is 4 :confused: ..... band waggon springs to mind.
lol yeah, I was just looking at my DVD shelf thinking "I swear season three is the one I got last xmas...". 'Tis definately season 4 on the telly :p
Fridays episode was SO funny,

this is the most consistent show ive ever had the pleasure of watching.

Hope superhans makes a return!
I'm not finding it as funny as previous series, could be that the apple ads and their very average bbc show has slightly tainted them for me.

Would definitely like to see superhans return.
*I could say that that's ancient history now, he won't like that.*
"I guess you could say that's ancient history now"
"Did you just steal that chocolate bar?"
"Yumm, this is nice!"
"The secret ingredients crime."
On friday it was class how jez had trapped his "date" in the floatation tank in the gym, by putting weights on the roof of it haha

Loved it when mark cracked on the exercise bike too :D
TripleT said:
Loving the new seires :D

Currently watching seires 1-3 on Virgin On Demand. Such a brilliant service! :)

Yup, and they have some great stuff on there including Adam and Joe!!!
TripleT said:
Loving the new seires :D

Currently watching seires 1-3 on Virgin On Demand. Such a brilliant service! :)

Just watched series 3 again from start to finish :D The episode where Mark is on the Toilet with Johnson and Jez watching him pooing is a classic :D
Chrisp7 said:
Last nights episode was hilarious!

Ive watched it 3 times since friday and it just gets more and more funny every time, easily the best episode of the current series and possibly my favorite of the entire show.

'At the time it really seemed like I needed to eat it' hahahahah
Been watching series 3 and 4 and I find it absolutely hilarious. I loved it when the chavs asked to borrow his phone and Mark said "I'm not a borrower or a lender" cracked me up. Also the school reunion one was hilarious with the peado convo,I'm not a peado..........YET
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