Peltier (TEC) shopping list

Depends how good the chiller is really.

With only -5c water temps your safe with just water as the flow will make sure it doesnt freeze, to -30c'ish you need to test different levels of water/antifreeze to see what gives better temps/viscocity.

Much below that and your looking into specialist stuff such as propylene glycol.
Then you also need to take into account its sensitivity (probably not the best word to use) to the temps, propylene glycol for example can pull down temps to maximum coldness quickish whereas pure denatured alcohol would take much longer to get to similar temp levels
you planning on cooling a gpu aswell as that rad may struggle with a pelted cpu and gpu aswell.

Will cope fine... even a PA160'll handle a 226w TEC'd CPU and 172w TEC'd GPU...

PA160 with 1x Panaflo M1A @ 7v: CPU - 21 GPU - 22
HE120.3 with 3x ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ : CPU - 18 GPU - 19
PA120.2 with 2x ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ : CPU - 17.7 GPU - 18
2x PA160 with 1x ^^ on each ^ : CPU - 15.8 GPU - 15.1
PA120.3 with 3x ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ : CPU - 15 GPU - 15

CPU set to 1.75v. AGP VDDQ to 1.6v. 100% load inflicted on both CPU and GPU. 226w TEC on CPU (A64 Clawhammer 3200+), 172w TEC on GPU (X800ProVIVO >> X800XT-PE). AquaXtreme 50Z pump @ 13.8v. 7/16" tubing.



at the time being, well untill i change my mind (could be tonight) ive only bought the water cooling replacments parts so far. PA120.3 rad and new res, plus new tubing.
Marci you going to try and convince me? to spend the extra £150 on pelt psu etc.

small question, only thing holding me back, when i power on the PC, does the pelt kick in, i mean is the meanwell PSU hocked up to the switch in anyway?

If not and i have to manualy turn it on, then its a big no no. The wife uses this PC, i would tell her how to turn it on, 2 days later my pc would have melted.
Heh - yep, you're solely responsible for turning on the TEC PSU unless you can get hold of a Swiftech Rev2 Pump Relay (the Rev1 isn't good enough - burns out). If u can get hold of that relay, then it can all be wired up to switch on and off with the PC.
im sure its not the hardest thing to get a relay that can handle the current, not a good enough reason not to buy one;)

Id be more worried about it not turning off anyway, you hear horror storys of the water boiling inside the blocks and melting the tubing and all sorts.

Personally for the money it costs to get a pelt setup id look into getting phase change, thats me though.

Gl whichever route you take.
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