Penetration Testing

Yeah pen tester/security consultant for one of the big four. My main job is pen tester but recently they've hired my arse out on more consultant/secondment type work. I don't mind too much but I think I'd miss the hands on nitty gritty if it was permanent.

Before I was a pen tester I used to work with a lot of CLAS consultants and that was when I realised that everyone in security/assurance seems to know each other! For example, you work at irm, well a few of the irm peeps used to work for insight/Siemens and I know a few of the old Siemens crowd who I worked with at my last place and work with now so we could probably find a link quite easily!
Thanks fo the comments guys (particularly the wouldn't recommend them though!), I've been talking with and Nettitude so far.
Before I was a pen tester I used to work with a lot of CLAS consultants and that was when I realised that everyone in security/assurance seems to know each other! For example, you work at irm, well a few of the irm peeps used to work for insight/Siemens and I know a few of the old Siemens crowd who I worked with at my last place and work with now so we could probably find a link quite easily!

Oh yes, we did bring over "ze German boys" as we like to call them .. fantastic bunch from over there and it was totally our gain and Seimens loss for pulling the plug on Insight.

Will drop you an email via trust to see what potential connection there may be :)
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