Pentium D 820

24 Feb 2007
I got a dell 5150 with 2g of ram and wanna have ago at clocking it, its a spare pc at work that pretty much sits there most of the time doing nothing so i wanna play. Not looking at going ott just a bit at a time but cant see any way of overclocking in the bios. My sig rig was a breeze to do but i cant see the wood for trees with this one, any help would be appreciated.

Have a hunt about for Clockgen software. Do be aware though that IT support staff pick Dell because they are hard to mess with and most IT support staff I've met tend to be pretty uncompromising about demanding disciplinary action against people who mess with PCs at work.

Messing with a PC at work and breaking it so it gets brought to the attention of IT support staff says 2 things to me;

1. You broke their PC and caused IT extra work which could have been netter used chatting up receptionists.

2. You don't have enough to do at work.

Both would be Termination of Employment offences in my company.
WJA96 said:
Have a hunt about for Clockgen software. Do be aware though that IT support staff pick Dell because they are hard to mess with and most IT support staff I've met tend to be pretty uncompromising about demanding disciplinary action against people who mess with PCs at work.

Messing with a PC at work and breaking it so it gets brought to the attention of IT support staff says 2 things to me;

1. You broke their PC and caused IT extra work which could have been netter used chatting up receptionists.

2. You don't have enough to do at work.

Both would be Termination of Employment offences in my company.

Guide on Morality of overclocking now eh :)
Thats an idea for a new sticky
WJA96 said:
Have a hunt about for Clockgen software. Do be aware though that IT support staff pick Dell because they are hard to mess with and most IT support staff I've met tend to be pretty uncompromising about demanding disciplinary action against people who mess with PCs at work.

Messing with a PC at work and breaking it so it gets brought to the attention of IT support staff says 2 things to me;

1. You broke their PC and caused IT extra work which could have been netter used chatting up receptionists.

2. You don't have enough to do at work.

Both would be Termination of Employment offences in my company.

Thats ok I own the company ;) I do have plenty to do but have got good staff that allow me to play every now and again :cool:

As i say this is a spare computer that for the last year has only been used by work experiance kids.
Petzl said:
Thats ok I own the company ;) I do have plenty to do but have got good staff that allow me to play every now and again :cool:

As i say this is a spare computer that for the last year has only been used by work experiance kids.



Why? He "owns" the company that owns PC, fine. He can explain to his IT people why the spare machine is broken then. And please don't tell me you do your own IT if you're coming on here asking how to overclock a Dell :p

Practically every company I know of these days has a "tamper=terminate" clause in their contracts of employment so if I tell someone how to do something I want to be pretty certain they understand what happens if it goes wrong. That's responsibility.
WJA96 said:
Why? He "owns" the company that owns PC, fine. He can explain to his IT people why the spare machine is broken then. And please don't tell me you do your own IT if you're coming on here asking how to overclock a Dell :p

Practically every company I know of these days has a "tamper=terminate" clause in their contracts of employment so if I tell someone how to do something I want to be pretty certain they understand what happens if it goes wrong. That's responsibility.

I dont need to explain myself to the company that deals with my IT stuff. im brutally honest with them, pleeeeeeease come and fix my pooter that......... "cough cough" some member of staff broke :p :) seriously though, most IT stuff I can and do deal with myself but overclocking is something i dont know much if anything about. I cant rebuild an engine but I can service vehicles and keep them going. but back to the start of this reply I dont need to explain to anyone if i trash a pc by however means.
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