People who complain about "cold" swimming pools on holiday.

Indoor pool was 27C this morning , outdoor pool Sherringham beach was 20C over weekend - several folks had wetsuit tops;

Did anyone mention that maybe gen a have become soft, don't have the cold water resilience of their forefathers,
besides if you are not actually swimming, and moving around (more exercise than manipulating your phone) you get cold faster in the pool,
however with increase in average UK fat insulation that should help ? do our EU friends complain, too, about unheated pool temp.
Well that escalated
It's not that common, but it happens enough that many first aid courses cover it.

About 400 peaople die every year from the shock response after plunging into cold water. Most are male, under 30 and reportedly good swimmers.

Yeah, in rivers and lakes.

Not in swimming pools.

Wrong, I helped with a lad in his twenties in a pool in Malta, (update Mrs says it was Sharm).
Nobody was using the pool because it was too cold, I watched him go in and waited for him to quickly come out like everybody else but he didn't.
I then screamed he was in trouble but two blokes beat me to him and there happened to be two Nurses sunbathing.
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Yeah, in rivers and lakes.
Not in swimming pools.
Following on from SGF above, ^this is precisely why the council got the SJA to stand by at their local outdoor pools during hot weather. Some had lifeguards, but most were not as widely trained in first aid and certainly none had their own fully-kitted ambulances.
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