Perfect Dark Zero - How NOT to play



20 Oct 2003
1) Don't melee, people think you're hacking.
2) Never get a headshot. People think you're hacking.
3) Never do point 2 with a pistol, people think you're hacking them too!
4) Never ever win, people think you're hacking.

:rolleyes: Why are Americans SO bad bad losers?
Bonjour said:
I love taking people out with the sabre. :)

Does get people pretty darn miffed though.

Yeah the sabre is good, but just try taking them out by hitting them with a pistol! Ooooooo the language :p
Emlyn_Dewar said:
Can you select regions so that you would only play against Europeans?

I *think* this may come under the "Prefer Player / Avoid Player" scenario on the XboxLive setup. There's a few that I've seemed to have come up against on more than one occasion and have set them to avoided players, whether it's coincidence or not, but I haven't played against them since.

@peetee: Have to admit, I've never been one for controllers on FPS games, just didn't think they worked, but it DOES take practice to get some good results. Can't say I'm totally converted over the mouse/keyboard but it's certainly got some advantages. For example on the keyboard affair, it's either on or off, so you're either running or not. With the controller you can either run, walk or creep so it does have that advantage over it.
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