Perfect Dark Zero or Quake 4

18 Oct 2002
Completed Kameo last night (with all fruit and stuff), and doubt I will be bothereed to do co-op stuff through *** sections to get A classes in them all, solooks like it will be going up for trade soon. Ive got PGR3 and DOA4 os on pre-order, so what game do people recommend next?

So far its between those 2, unless people can make other suggestions.
Condemned above either PD0 or Quake 4. If i was to chose either it would be PD0 (i do own it) rather than Quake 4 as its a pretty poor port of the PC version. You'd be better placed buying Quake 4 on PC and if you havent got COD2 on pc i'd possibly add that to your 360 list as well.
conndemned is better than both. PDZ was the worst game I've played for ages..Even worse than Pariah!! Shoody slapup job with poor graphics and control system. Q4 is pretty good though.
People are overly harsh on PD0, and I can't really fathom why. Decent enough game, especially with the multiplayer, though I'd agree as a single player experience Condemned is definately superior.
I quite enjoy PDZ, and am playing it through for the third time in co-op with a mate. The online aspect is also quite enjoyable.

I guess I can see where some people think the graphics are bit poor, but generally it looks fairly good. I found the controls fine. The plots not great, and sometimes you wonder why you are doing what you are doing.

I've only played the Quake4 demo on the 360 - but I found it to be pants. Just dull, and unimaginative. Doom 3 was better IMHO. You also didn't seem to get any gameplay feedback, like when you fired your gun.
i thought PDZ was class, enjoyed it most out of the 4 games ive got (pdz, kameo, pgr3 and comdemned)
I would say CoD 2 but i think quake 4 is just as good do you have a HD-TV just if you have the GFX are class in quake 4 and its worth the buy.

I havent played PDZ so i cant really comment on the game but the trailer looks good dont know why everyone is slating it?
Perfect Dark 0.
Call of Duty 2.
King Kong.
Quake 4.

That would be my order. Personally, I think all 4 of those games are great and worth a purchase over Quake 4 any day.
Nismo said:
Forgot about Condemned, probably because I havnt got it. Must get round to buying it sometime :o

I was sure you had it.. Didn't you say you were happy when the wife and kid was in before? I could have sworn it was you!
Q4 is much better than PDZ in single player, although online it is a little closer. i was playing 4 hour + sessions in quake and just finished it last night, some of the bosses are a little easy but i was only playing normal difficulty, PDZ feels like a chore on single player and gets boring, but its ok online.

After playing FPS on my 40 inch LCD i could never go back to my PC with half the screen size to play Quake.
NokkonWud said:
I was sure you had it.. Didn't you say you were happy when the wife and kid was in before? I could have sworn it was you!

I dont have a wife or a kid, so no :p

(and I definitely dont have condemned)
Just finished PD0 on easy, and I really enjoyed it.

This game seems to get a lot of bad press, but I personally think its great!

Online its good too, though I'm rubbish at it! :rolleyes:
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