Perfect Dark Zero or Quake 4

If another person complains about the control system in PDZ I'm likely to explode.

The control system can be customised. The awful default setup is no excuse what so ever to dismiss this game.
Jofujofu said:
Just finished PD0 on easy, and I really enjoyed it.

This game seems to get a lot of bad press, but I personally think its great!

Online its good too, though I'm rubbish at it! :rolleyes:

It's 100times better on the more difficult levels, lots of stealth involved.
Does condemed get better than the demo as i really didnt enjoy it, just found it a bit boring, Quake 4 demo was alright, but as said can just get the pc version. Im not specifically looking for a fps, just couldnt think of what else is available at the moment thats good.
Damnations Fury said:
Does condemed get better than the demo as i really didnt enjoy it, just found it a bit boring, Quake 4 demo was alright, but as said can just get the pc version. Im not specifically looking for a fps, just couldnt think of what else is available at the moment thats good.

To sum up condemned:

It's a pretty linear game that, whilst having guns, for the most part will involve you going from A-C whilst looking for something in area B, meeting an individual or a group of people that you hit with various objects of various characteristics. E.G. There's a large plank of wood that can reach far futher than an iron bar, but the iron bar will cause more damage than said piece of wood.

In area B, you'll find some clues which are pretty simple to spot using a linear and pre-determined piece of equipment (camera, organic laser picker-out thingie, gas-spectrometer). Clues are there, they are obvious.

The whole thing about Condemned though is that it is put together absolutely perfect. True sense of eerieness, a definate added ingredient of suspense, a good story actually, incredible atmosphere to the game, some damn find sound effects and really nice graphics. To sum up, whilst it's short, it's the perfect mix of everything thrown into something that's only letdown is the sheer fact it's simply not long enough.

Personally, I reckon it's in the top 3 of the launch titles, behind PGR3 and Kameo.
eurgh, dunno how u can play those fps on a gamepad. it just frustrates me cos i know that if i have a mouse and keyboard, the levels would be a lot easier....
Mana said:
eurgh, dunno how u can play those fps on a gamepad. it just frustrates me cos i know that if i have a mouse and keyboard, the levels would be a lot easier....

The games (original titles) are made to run on a console, as a result they would be crap with a mouse and keyboard.
I was in the same boat after finishing Kameo.

Condemned is excellent if a little intense if played in the dark, slowly and loud (as it should be).

King Kong is excellent if very very very short. Some of the battles as Kong are absolute must do's on the 360 and I wouldn't hesitate picking this up to play it through (my gamestation had at least 4 2nd hand copies at £35 so go get it!). Tbh these moments are THE best I've had on the 360 so far.

Played the Quake demo and thought it a little bland and 'seen it all before', not saying it won't be enjoyable.

Not played PD0 and don't really fancy it.

Getting COD2 today, really looking forward to it tbh.
Jofujofu said:
Yeah, I'm going to start the next difficulty tonight! I'm a right puff with games, I always start on the easy setting! :)

LOL!! "a right poof" nice one.

It's actually really good, and if anyone else is reading this and has completed PD0 on easy but was disappointed, it opens up a new set of objectives.

For example on the easy setting within the Laboratory Rescue mission, it was a simple case of finding Jack and running away.

On the more difficulty setting, one of the ways you escaped last time is blocked, so you need to find an alternative route.

On the last difficulty setting however, shooting the guards and getting spotted will not only alert the yellow females, but also causes the scientists to panic and release poisenous gas of which you've gotta shut off in under about 90secs before you die.

Some of the other missions like the Mansion infiltration also require you to get about with either not being seen, or without your weapon, ala Thief.

I 'enjoyed' it on easy, very No-One lives forever-ish, but on the more difficult settings, it's gearing towards SplinterCell/Thief.
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