Perfect Dark

Loved the original, good to see that this is on the horizon. Will wait to see how it develops.

Superb sound/music in the N64 version as I recall. Very atmospheric.
Gameplay reminds me of elements of cyberpunk 2077, lets hope it has a more stable launch, but im liking what i see so far and good to get gameplay trailers, them movie cinematic gameplay trailers are no good at all.
I always remember the magazines raving about Perfect Dark, but I had to make do with Goldeneye at the time.

It does look like elements of Cyberpunk, with a bit of Mirror's Edge mixed in. A healthy combo imo.

Actually I might go and play Mirror's later after seeing this :cry:
She's got one hell of a jaw line on her :D

I believe 'lantern jawed' is the phrase.

Just add Ms Dark to the expanding list of 2020's 'women in video games' - the dystopic nightmare vision of the future female, where only the heavy browed, thick set, thin lipped, Desperate Dan chinesqued bint may adorn your screen. According to the Marxist blue haired freaks that apparently work in game development these days anyway.

Praise be to the PC modding community, it's the only way I can play 'modern' games these days. Look out for a universal Lantern Jaw remover mod, I might make one myself....
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I had the demo of the original for PSX, which i used to quite enjoy as a kid. I cant see much reminding me of that in this trailer, but it looks great nonetheless.
That i enjoyed it or that i had it? Please tell help me remember.

Perfect Dark started life on the N64. To my knowledge there was never even a demo of it for the PlayStation because it was made by Rare who were exclusive to Nintendo.

Are you in the wrong thread good sir or did you simply do a 'Freudian typo' and write PlayStation instead of N64
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I'm more surprised that two people had PSXs which were only ever released in Japan :p

Yes i'm joking and I know people don't mean the actual PSX when they say PSX ;)
DF Special discusses this (along with other games shown at the show) and man yeah they are impressed as much as anyone else.

I think for me 2025 key games are now Perfect Dark and the new Doom especially. The rest of this year still has some great games coming too. What a time to be a PC gamer right now.
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I'd love to see more N64 remakes in UE5 lol, looks incredible.

Actually thinking of old games remade in new engines.... i want cannon fodder done in a new engine.
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Perfect Dark started life on the N64. To my knowledge there was never even a demo of it for the PlayStation because it was made by Rare who were exclusive to Nintendo.

Are you in the wrong thread good sir or did you simply do a 'Freudian typo' and write PlayStation instead of N64
No, I wrote the correct thing and was thinking of a totally different game! No wonder there was nothing I remember from it. What a dumbass!
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