Perfect Roast Potatoes

Beef/goose dripping

Really hot oven

Try crumbling a beef oxo cube in as you add the potatoes, gives a lovely slightly salty taste
I've always found that the best thing to roast them in is Trex (solid vegetable fat). Seems to roast them better than oil, but I've not tried goose fat which is supposed to be the best. Trex is probably better for you than goose fat given that it's solid veg fat, but I'm no nutritionist :p
When I can, I par boil my potatoes the day before and dry them off in the fridge. I find this is makes them both quicker on the day and crispier as they're drier.

Also +1 for the goose fat.
I use Roosters. Perfect crispy/fluffy roasters every time.

1. Don't peel. Cut the potatoes into good sized chunks with decent corners.
2. Boil until on the verge of breaking up.
3. Whilst boiling, pre-heat oil @ 180c
4. Drain potatoes and put into the hot oil
5. Salt generously and swish them about in the tray
6. Cook for ~45 minutes @ 180c
7. Cook for a final ~15 minutes @ 200c

Assuming that you're cooking meat as well then you'll want to remove the meat at #7, cover with foil and allow to rest.
Photoessay, lol :D

I'd never put butter in, just use olive oil. Unless you use clarified butter it'll just burn.
When I can, I par boil my potatoes the day before and dry them off in the fridge. I find this is makes them both quicker on the day and crispier as they're drier.

Also +1 for the goose fat.

I find this does give the best results - making sure they're dry and cool before roasting them. :)
Put your roasting tray on the hob, assuming its fire proof and you have gas, this will keep the temperature up of the oil which helps prevent your tatties sticking to the tray.
Put your roasting tray on the hob, assuming its fire proof and you have gas, this will keep the temperature up of the oil which helps prevent your tatties sticking to the tray.

I do this. Also I usually stir some rosemary sprigs and slightly squashed but unpeeled garlic cloves in the oil to flavour it.

oh and parboil the potatoes, let them steam dry, then rough them up in the pan with a lid before tipping into the oil/fat.
bit of salt + pepper on (or nandos chip sprinkle) and roast 40-45 minutes turning a few times.

Make sure not to have too much oil/fat by soaking excess off the tray with kitchen roll.
Everyone has a slightly different way of getting their perfect roasties, but here's mine.

'Floury' potatoes like King Eds or Maris Piper are better and the fresher they are the flufier they'll be on the inside, though they won't caramelise as much on the outside but stay a golden yellow.

Peel & parboil your spuds until the outsides are starting to crumble. For fresh potatoes it'll only take a couple of minutes, or 5+ for supermarket ones.
Drain well and let steam-dry for a few minutes then give them a good shake in the pan with the lid on to rough up the outsides.
Into a preheated dish of vegetable oil or any oil with that'll take a high temp. Not too much oil, just enough to cover the botom of the dish.
Turn them in the oil to coat.
Season with a little sea salt.
Into the oven for at least 45mins, longer if it's on a low temp for the meat. Turn them once when they've coloured up on one side and once the meat is out give them a blast of gas mark 7 for the final 20mins while you do the veg & gravy.
I boil mine for at least 20 minutes, sometimes longer and then give them a gentle bash in the pan. If I have time, I'll chill them in the fridge, but usually pushed for time so skip this step. Heat up a fair glug on oil for 20 minutes, and throw the spuds in with salt and crushed garlic. Put them in the oven for 1 hour, turning every 15 minutes. Take them out and drain them on kitchen towel.
I've never tried this, but have heard about it and I'm slightly surprised not one person has mentioned it as their tactic (I don't think), but...does no-one roast their potatoes from raw? You can still rough up the edges with a fork or cheese grater. Just wondering whether the par-boiling necessarily creates better roasties.
Boil for 7 minutes in well salted water,
Drain and steam dry for a couple of mins,
Shake in pan to rough up edges,
Use plenty of melted butter or olive oil,
Season well,
Put in the oven at 180 degrees,
After 30 mins add more fat with some squashed garlic (skin on) and rosemary or sage, garlic and shallots and cook for a further 45 minutes rotating a couple of times.
Boil for ten minutes
drain and rough them up a bit to flake all around the egdes
lightly cover in a flour/salt/pepper seasoning
heat olive oil in a frying pan and then shallow fry untill they start to crisp and golden up
Put the oil and roastys into a pan that has been heating in the preheated oven and cook on 180 for 40 minutes

Absolutely divine roastys!
From raw :eek:
Aren't they going to have an odd texture in the middle and not fluffy also not as crisp.

It's the cracks and small bits of flesh that get crispy, hence the further you take Potatoes to destruction when boiling the better. Then erupting them out as much as possible.
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