Performance vs Noise

12 Jan 2006
Currently got a Raptor 150G set up as my Windows and Games drive.

It's starting to annoy me how noisy (when seeking) it is for general windows use.

I don't mind the noise when playing games, but it does get on my nerves at other times.

I'm going to be upgrading my whole rig in the next couple of weeks and I'm definately keeping the Raptor.

Was wondering how much performance I might lose if I used a quieter drive for my Windows+Apps install, and only used the Raptor for Games?

Presumably if I was to do this, then the Raptor would be silent/unused unless playing games. And I would still get the benefit of the Raptor when gaming.

Trying to decide whether to use one of the Samsung drives as a Windows+Apps drive, or maybe even going as far as a Laptop drive. Noise really bothers me, except when gaming. So wondering what peoples thoughts are?

Will I lose a lot of general performance in Windows if I were to move to a Laptop drive?

How would games (load times, general performance) compare if Windows was on a slower drive, but the games themselves were still on the Raptor?

Thanks :)
Has anyone got any experience of using slower/quieter (laptop?) drives as Windows drive and a faster Raptor for Games or Apps?

How does it compare (noise and speed) to running both Windows and Games/Apps on the Raptor?
Cheers guys.

I've looked into silencers, but the thing is I'm not too bothered about noise when I'm gaming. I just keep reading mixed reviews about them

I'd just like to have a quite system for general windows use.

I was hoping that there would be someone who'd be able to give me an idea of how much general performance I'd lose by having windows on a slower/quiter drive like a laptop drive. And also whether I'd lose any gaming performance (load times) if I had windows on a slower drive, but still kept my games on the Raptor.

There doesn't seem to be much info on the web for this sort of setup. :confused:

Thanks for the info though - its still been helpful :)
The noise on my Raptor annoyed me so much that i removed it from its mounting screws & laid it flat on the bottom of the case on a piece of soft rubber, I did this over a year ago & its more or less silent now,
the noise is hugely amplified by the connections to metal casing when screwed in as normal ,try it & see
Cheers, I might give it a go - but I'd really like the drive to be "fitted" in some way. I don't move my case much, so having it laid at the bottom isn't a big deal. But I do realise that attatching it properly to the case, is pretty much the main cause of a lot of vibrations into the case.

Interesting that you say it makes such a big difference. I may have to try it out for a bit, even if I might not be comfortable with a disk permanently laying at the bottom of the case.
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