Perimiter email software

We use Mimesweeper too. Its OK, the configuration is very granular which is a blessing and a curse at the same time.
I have previously used the SonicWall ES appliances and they are superb. Very cost effective, especially for smaller organisations and you can just drop them in and they just work. Extremely good detection (well over 99%) and false positive rates (Nearly 0%) in my experience
Not sure I can agree with that, we've had a load of these out to customers for evaluation that have been swiftly returned to us and my own testing of them hasn't left me all that impressed. That said, they aren't terrible, just not as good as they could/should be.

I'd second that, we installed two at a place I worked and while the worked pretty well and had a very simple easy to understand interface they were lacking in configurability at the time. However the support was excellent and the performance was definately good the amount of junk they stripped out without giving rise to to many false positives was impressive.
Another vote for mailmarshal, behind messagelabs in our case but works nicely (and tolerates our load balancers which some products seem not to...)
Using symantec appliances as our mail gateways. Pretty solid AV but spam detection is a bit crappy.

We used to use messagelabs and i found them excellent. Especially the porn image filter... always had to "evaluate" for false positives.
Actually bothered to check what we have today. Mimesweeper appliance in house, and run through messagelabs
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