Personal trainer - Am I being unreasonable?

I've contacted Pure Gym also - i didnt pay via them I paid him directly, but i found him via their website and he was an employee of theirs so hoping they'll do something out of the kindness of their hearts... :)

If he's like most PT's, he wasn't an employee of theirs as such. He paid them a fee to use their premises each month for his work but he wasn't employed by them
Yeah your all correct - i should've called, I was wanting an 'evidence' trail however to show that i had tried numerous times to contact him and he was aware of my intentions. I'll give him a call tomorrow if i dont hear back - its just very disappointing.

I've contacted Pure Gym also - i didnt pay via them I paid him directly, but i found him via their website and he was an employee of theirs so hoping they'll do something out of the kindness of their hearts... :)

On the plus side, i'm not disheartened from training and i'm ploughing on.

Get an app to record the conversation. Then you have evidence, not that there is much worth doing with it
Take him to court and keep all the evidence but aren't Personal Trainers a separate entity from the Gym? Is there a contract you signed when you paid for their services? Does the contract state that he can chose where the sessions take place?

PTs always come across as slimey to me, never chose one as the internet can help with dietry requirements and there are shed loads of videos on Youtube on how to exercise properly.
So you've gone from nothing to threatening legal action. Over reaction and a flipping half, call the guy stop dealing with things through text failing that make some time to pop down to the place he's at now and have a chat.

I would say this.

Gone from a few texts to threatening legal action is a pretty extreme ramp up of things, ring him or go see him.
Personally id be the same as the OP. I'm sure if he had replied to either of the first 2 texts then the 3rd wouldt be mentioning legal action.

By the way, you wouldn't loose out on the fees, they get added to his bill :)
Personally id be the same as the OP. I'm sure if he had replied to either of the first 2 texts then the 3rd wouldt be mentioning legal action.

By the way, you wouldn't loose out on the fees, they get added to his bill :)

So you wouldn't even try calling the guy? Texts can and do go missing in the ether.
I'd just go and see him. If he's not forthcoming then just serve him with notice of your intention to proceed to small claims court.
My understanding of the PTs at Pure Gym is that they're self employed. With that in mind, I'd imagine the gym will wash their hands of the situation.

Give him a call as others have suggested, or go visit him at his new gym. Your proposal seems reasonable though.
I managed to get a reply from my last text and we've had a conversation. Given I dont have much of a leg to stand on i'm going to go to this 'other gym' for 2 sessions only and work with specific equipment that my gym also has - however after that i'll be going solo and being very cautious next time with PTs!
Look up "Mutant in a minute" on youtube (mutant tv) for great exercises and how to do them properly. Gabe Moen is a bodybuilder who knows his stuff and talks you through the exercise as he does it on screen :)

Ok it's a bodybuilding channel but the thinking behind the exercise is what you want. Leave your ego at the door and concentrate with form first and foremost

Here is an example. Each of the clips are just a couple of mins long :)
I managed to get a reply from my last text and we've had a conversation. Given I dont have much of a leg to stand on i'm going to go to this 'other gym' for 2 sessions only and work with specific equipment that my gym also has - however after that i'll be going solo and being very cautious next time with PTs!

For someone that threatened legal action so quickly, you gave in pretty quickly :p.

You absolutely had a leg to stand on, you paid for a service at one location, he then changed the location which didn't suit you. If you really wanted you could have got your money back.
What was his response?

Also if you want form checks and advice have a read in Sports Arena, we have some very knowledgeable people on here.

Basically "Oh i always read texts and forget to reply..".

Will do definitely, i'm really enjoying squats at the moment - however I tried doing deadlifts a month ago but thanks to my short arms I ended up with a rounded back no matter how hard i tried, so i've taken to stacking weight plates on the floor so the bars higher up off the ground, etc. I'm not so worried about a PT for technique on bench pressing, etc its the more complex, full body ones that Im worried about destroying my spine on :)
Haha i've never got this. If I wanted a PT I would want it to be someone with a physique I could aspire to reach, an out of shape/skinny PT makes me think they don't really know what they are doing.

How do you know they are out of shape just because they don't want to look like a ridiculous body builder/ they may be training for performance and fitness, not bulk.
OP I'm totally with you, in fact you have been more than generous with your offer. He's being unreasonable, probably why he was always butting heads with that other guy.
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