So the title gave it away. Thought I'd throw together a build log of my new thin ITX build. Not really managed to do a proper build log before so bare with me.
The idea behind the PC is that NUC's are expensive and I wanted a small silent machine to sit under my monitor shelf so when I'm gaming I have a "spare" machine to operate my second monitor. It'll be on 24/7 and will get used for big uploads (to youtube) and general RDP access into my home network.
So let it begin....
Spotted this on a well known auctioning website. Had a pretty good spec for what I needed and in my mind levelled out with the i5 NUC I wanted.
i3-2105 (HT'd to 4 cores), Thin ITX setup, 4GB RAM, Silverstone LP cooler
Also spotted this little beauty, I wanted 60GB as a minimum but didn't want to pay a lot (as it was going to be a longer term build)
Came across 1 slight problem, the listing didn't mention a SATA power cable to power the HDD/SSD. I have no idea how I over looked this but anyway I panic bought a few SATA adapters.
.....Then the base arrived
Along with a SATA power cable
Next up was a case that looked good, was small and had some quality, enter the Petite
Tonights job is going to be stringing what I have together, maybe get it up and running off a live USB stick to make sure she works.
The idea behind the PC is that NUC's are expensive and I wanted a small silent machine to sit under my monitor shelf so when I'm gaming I have a "spare" machine to operate my second monitor. It'll be on 24/7 and will get used for big uploads (to youtube) and general RDP access into my home network.
So let it begin....
Spotted this on a well known auctioning website. Had a pretty good spec for what I needed and in my mind levelled out with the i5 NUC I wanted.
i3-2105 (HT'd to 4 cores), Thin ITX setup, 4GB RAM, Silverstone LP cooler
Also spotted this little beauty, I wanted 60GB as a minimum but didn't want to pay a lot (as it was going to be a longer term build)
Came across 1 slight problem, the listing didn't mention a SATA power cable to power the HDD/SSD. I have no idea how I over looked this but anyway I panic bought a few SATA adapters.
.....Then the base arrived
Along with a SATA power cable
Next up was a case that looked good, was small and had some quality, enter the Petite
Tonights job is going to be stringing what I have together, maybe get it up and running off a live USB stick to make sure she works.