Petition for TV campaign to educate road users about motorway lane discipline

A road safety policy that actually focused on road safety rather than revenue generation would help solve this, as well as a wide variety of other problems on the roads.

Just raising awareness of the problem is enough. There's too many people i know who sit in the middle lane because the left lane is 'only for lorries'... :rolleyes:
Could we please have a matching petition asking that drivers be educating about allowing people out of the left hand lane to overtake? Might encourage more people to use the left hand lane if they didn't land up spending 15 minutes boxed in behind a lorry.
Left hand lanes are becoming unpopular because state of the roads these days. Some parts of M25, A2 and A13 are so worn down from haulage that any smaller car just tramlines in ridges. It doesn't take long for the taught discipline to be forgotten in those confitions. So gradually, over the years, in many parts of south east left hand lane became the uncomfortable "slow lane" for articulated lorries, and the rest moved over to two lane system - middle lane became the left hand lane and right hand lane became the avenue of "me and my audi are late, move away", tailgaters and flashers.

Unless of course we are talking about M6 around moonchester, in which case it's all men for themselves - "it's not your overtaking lane, it's their two undertaking lanes"
You forgot a demographic of "lane users"

The people who intentionally sit in the outside lane because YOU SHOULDN'T BE DOING MORE THAN 70MPH.

Was stuck behind some Hens other half in the outside lane doing 65MPH for about 4 miles. Congested in middle going the same/slower speed prevented ANY movement.

He got the idea when I put about 200yards between us, dropped a few cogs and caught up rather fast with HIDs on. Soon bloody moved then.
I think one reason a lot of people go slower is the fear of mobile speed checks etc. of which i'm seeing quite a few of these days. It certainly has made the speed go down, but has made driving a bit more unpleasant when you've gotta watch about for the added 'danger' of being pinged for being a little over and making progress in perfectly safe circumstances. Was stuck behind 3 cars a few weeks ago doing about 60- 65mph on the M40, lane 1, 2 and 3... i was seething :D I've certainly cut my speed down a little too to about 75-77mph GPS usually whereas i used to do about 80mph steady. I used to think 10% +2 was the norm but a mate got done for 76mph in a 70 a few months back and thats got me a bit more alert.
Could we please have a matching petition asking that drivers be educating about allowing people out of the left hand lane to overtake? Might encourage more people to use the left hand lane if they didn't land up spending 15 minutes boxed in behind a lorry.

very true!
Signed. I live in hope.. if this one works, I'll sign one for removal of speed cameras and funding diverted to traffic police :D
Totally good idea to educate people about many do not understand using motorways properly..and they don't teach you it as you're learning to drive !!
Totally good idea to educate people about many do not understand using motorways properly..and they don't teach you it as you're learning to drive !!

You are constantly taught to keep left when learning to drive. You don't go on 3 lane motorways but if your instructor is decent he will take you on a dual carriageway and will certainly instruct you to keep left at all times apart from when overtaking or when traffic is merging from a slip road and you wish to be nice to them ;)
As long as it includes a part to educate the brain dead masses that passing on the left is perfectly legal, then I'll sign it.
You forgot a demographic of "lane users"

The people who intentionally sit in the outside lane because YOU SHOULDN'T BE DOING MORE THAN 70MPH.

Was stuck behind some Hens other half in the outside lane doing 65MPH for about 4 miles. Congested in middle going the same/slower speed prevented ANY movement.

He got the idea when I put about 200yards between us, dropped a few cogs and caught up rather fast with HIDs on. Soon bloody moved then.


ive had people doing 65mph in the outside lane of a dual carriageway, who when they've seen me approaching fast from the rear (doing 75-80) they've puroposefully slowed down and aligned themselves with other cars to form a rolling road block because they think they're the police and i shouldnt be doing nearly 80 on a 70 limit dual carriageway. Bloke in question purposefully sat there at an empty roundabout and visibly shook his head at me when i beeped at him for deliberately sitting there and not moving.

Same thing with the que police who pull out and cause you to crash when you dont merge 1 mile before the merging point.
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Same thing with the que police who pull out and cause you to crash when you dont merge 1 mile before the merging point.

Dont get me started on that one...... i get this EVERY morning now... 2 lanes at 40mph merge into 1 lane at 30 going into a village with lights etc. So a HUGE tailback of traffic forms in the left lane and a totally bare right lane is left. When intelligent people like me drive past and try to merge in turn you get dirty looks and so on. Idiots.

I simply dont care anymore i just drive down to the merge point and indicate and push my way in. Im past worrying what people think, i get to work 10mins sooner!
lol hardly

Daft thing is theres no need. Ive been outraged by some of the driving i experience. Ive been sat doing 85 in the middle lane with traffic up ahead in the inside lane, and had a range rover fly up to my rear at over a ton flashing his headlights at me. "The outside lane is there for overtaking mate. Help yourself i thought"

I just ignored him and let him undertake me and then proceed to veer across all 3 lanes to the outside lane a hundread yards further up to overtake slower moving traffic.

yes he was driving like a tool, but is slowing him down or giving him gestures going to stop him ? no of course not so just let them get on with it.
lol hardly

Daft thing is theres no need. Ive been outraged by some of the driving i experience. Ive been sat doing 85 in the middle lane with traffic up ahead in the inside lane, and had a range rover fly up to my rear at over a ton flashing his headlights at me. "The outside lane is there for overtaking mate. Help yourself i thought"

I just ignored him and let him undertake me and then proceed to veer across all 3 lanes to the outside lane a hundread yards further up to overtake slower moving traffic.

yes he was driving like a tool, but is slowing him down or giving him gestures going to stop him ? no of course not so just let them get on with it.

You middle lane hog you :p
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