Petition for UN to declare Animal Wlefare rights...

2 Nov 2004

WSPA (World Society for the Protection of Animals) are managing a new campaign called 'Animals Matter to Me' which addresses issues of animal cruelty across our planet. At present there are NO international laws governing their protection, so the fundamental principle behind this campaign is that animals are afforded compassion and respect as standard. They are lobbying for a United Nations Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare to put in place international laws governing the protection of animals in a variety of situations, including farm animals, strays, working equines and the illegal trade in exotic and endangered wildlife. Of course they need our support to make this campaign successful. They have to collect 10 million signatures for the United Nations to sit up and listen. So please spare 30 seconds of your time to help improve and protect the future of our animals.

Oh, and lets give PETA a kick in the ******* by helping make them redundant...
18 Oct 2002
Wargrave, UK
Not signed.

Although I am an animal lover, the definition of cruelty is different among different cultures across the world. I feel it is arrogance to dictate to other cultures how they should or should not treat animals.
18 Sep 2003
Rilot said:
Not signed.

Although I am an animal lover, the definition of cruelty is different among different cultures across the world. I feel it is arrogance to dictate to other cultures how they should or should not treat animals.
17 Oct 2003
would you, therefore, say the same thing about human rights and cruelty?

for example- hitler et al tortured and murdered millions, but under thier culture this was perfectly ok...would you consider it arrogant to put a stop to this because by their definition it wasnt cruel?

im not being confrontational or anything, just looking for a debate :)

to me, there are some very universal definitions of cruelty...
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18 Oct 2002
Santa Barbara, Californee
Won't it make meat more expensive though?* And no more foie gras? :(

*to expand on this in a Devils Advocate manner, wouldn't such a Universal Declaration hit the poorest people disproportionately hard as the more well-off middle-classes can still buy all the well-treated meat but the poorer people end up being priced out of nutritious meat food-stuff by the more well-off people's concerns for animals welfare, which are a greater priority as they can afford to pay the premium to ease their conscience and don't suffer as much.
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26 Dec 2004
Rilot said:
Not signed.

Although I am an animal lover, the definition of cruelty is different among different cultures across the world. I feel it is arrogance to dictate to other cultures how they should or should not treat animals.

Absolutely ridiculous !

There`s a lot of rubbish spouted on these forums but that takes the biscuit.

27 Aug 2004
Rilot said:
Not signed.

Although I am an animal lover, the definition of cruelty is different among different cultures across the world. I feel it is arrogance to dictate to other cultures how they should or should not treat animals.

I was going to post something similar, but i couldnt do better than that :)
9 May 2005
WS_TailGunner said:
would you, therefore, say the same thing about human rights and cruelty?

for example- hitler et al tortured and murdered millions, but under thier culture this was perfectly ok...would you consider it arrogant to put a stop to this because by their definition it wasnt cruel?

im not being confrontational or anything, just looking for a debate :)

to me, there are some very universal definitions of cruelty...

Earth to Tailgunner [/Zoolander], animals aren't people.

Not signed - online petitions never achieve anything and I do not wish universal mandate to dictate what can and cannot be done irrespective of local customs, abilities or views.

Would this mean no more Halal meat?


PS: I like fur. I like eating meat. I like eating my steak rare/blue. I like eating/trying unusual foodstuffs.
29 Oct 2002
Bangor, N. Ireland
Not signed.

The Human Rights movement was all well and good in theory when it started but 50years down the line i think we can all see it has gone too far eg When school uniform is an infringement of a persons rights, when a car thief perched on a rooftop has to be brought a Kentucky by the police in case his human right to eat is violated. How long before animal rights/welfare goes the same way? Ban battery hens, you have to bring your livestock indoors over winter as it is too cold, you can't feed them silage/hay whatever that contains additives, your dog kennel has to be insulated etc etc. It may sound ridiculous now, but certain people love to campaign and once they achieve their goal then they raise the bar and push it to the next level.
18 Oct 2002
Wargrave, UK
Adex said:
Absolutely ridiculous !

There`s a lot of rubbish spouted on these forums but that takes the biscuit.


In your opinion.
Just because my opinion differs from yours doesn't make it rubbish. People always get so emotional when it comes to cruelty to animals. Especially fluffy ones.

Lets take an example.

In the UK we kill cattle using a bolt through the head. To some people this is extremely cruel. Halal meat involves slitting the animal's throat and letting it bleed to death while prayers are said. To many brits, this is extremely cruel.
Who are we to dictate to millions of Muslims that they can't do this any more because our culture deems it to be cruel?

It does all come down to fairness however.

A cat eats a mouse and throws it around the garden. To some people - the mouse especially - this is cruelty of the higest order. To the cat, it is just obeying it's instinct.
8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
I dont think that arguing about the butchery techniques of different cultures should be used as a point to discuss the work of these guys.

But in my opinion booting a dog in the face, is booting a dog in the face no matter what country you do it.

I do like animals, i dont support the loonys that value them more than human life (well in most cases.)

It makes me sick when i see people torture them just for a laugh.
I saw one clip of a bunch of US marines in Iraq shooting stray dogs just for kicks. Their llaughing really got to me. Maybe its humane to cull stray animals but not when you film it and laugh when the idiots do bad shots and the damn things were crawling about woofing. grrrrrrrrr nasty people.

Most Animals in the west have better lives than the people of 3rd world countries, I really doubt that a woldwide mandate can be made up on this.
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2 Jun 2004
Rilot said:
A cat eats a mouse and throws it around the garden. To some people - the mouse especially - this is cruelty of the higest order. To the cat, it is just obeying it's instinct.
That's a good example to use against your argument... The cats actions are justifiable as instinct. Whereas there is no way to justify an animals suffering by saying it's part of a culture. It's still suffering, and it's caused by people who are NOT doing it because of instinct.
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