PGR3 Achievements

15 Aug 2003
I've done what I thought were a couple of the achievements tonight...

Take a photo in each city and buy a car in each class (i picked the tough ones :p)

But I haven't been given any reward for I have to do them in the online career mode?
Don't forget, you need to save a reply for the photo achivement too.

As for the "buy a car in each class", if you mean "Buy all cars" then you won't be able to get this until Rank1 I believe as you're awarded more cars the higher you go.
save a replay?

curses. can i keep my existing photo's and just save a reply of each race i have in each city?
Don't know TBH, you don't need each reply, just one single replay of a race should unlock the achievement.
Photographer is just take a photo in each of the 5 areas (including nurburgring) and one replay. There is no "buy a car in each class" achievment, there's lambourghini, ferrari and exotic owners clubs.
What rank do you need to get the exotic car achievement, bought the four it suggested but i didn't get the achievement, says several cars though, which qualify, i only rank 5 if that makes a difference.
Creature said:
Photographer is just take a photo in each of the 5 areas (including nurburgring) and one replay. There is no "buy a car in each class" achievment, there's lambourghini, ferrari and exotic owners clubs.

that's a bit of a just says each city. nurburgring isn't a city :p
PuncH said:
that's a bit of a just says each city. nurburgring isn't a city :p

No but it's in Germany and there's not other german tracks. It IS in a city, so it's pretty obvious it needs a picture taking.
Replicant said:
What rank do you need to get the exotic car achievement, bought the four it suggested but i didn't get the achievement, says several cars though, which qualify, i only rank 5 if that makes a difference.

There's about 7 cars you need, the four it gives are just a starter.
Replicant said:
Which ones specifcally though, i have quite a few but the achievment isn't there :(
Have the following in your garage(s) at the same time:
-Callaway Sledgehammer Twin Turbo
-Corvette ZR1
-Ford GT-40 MK 1
-Mclaren F1 LM
-Ruf CTR \"Yellow Bird\"
-Shelby GT 500
-TVR Cerbera Speed Twelve
just noticed i've been awarded the Gotham TV sports fan achievement...

...thing is i haven't actually sat through 10 races on Gotham TV and saved a replay which is what's required to get this achievement.

ah well :)
norm said:
What about the "online professional" acheivement?!

What about it?

Isn't that the one you need to do 50 online races, start last finish first, win one of each of the game modes? Something like that.
PuncH said:
just noticed i've been awarded the Gotham TV sports fan achievement...

...thing is i haven't actually sat through 10 races on Gotham TV and saved a replay which is what's required to get this achievement.

ah well :)

I think it must count when you goin a server mid race and spectate, when you get knocked out in eliminator etc. because I watched 3 races and got that one. I also only saved one replay and that was of a race I was in (wanted to see who it was that spun me on the straight :o :p )
wyrdo said:
That's bugged at the moment, you can't get it.

Is that for definite? I have all the other achievements, I just can't get this one because I can't win the Nurburg Full F1 track on the online career - I've got everything else required for it.
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