PGR3 - catching some air

19 Oct 2002
Kirkham, Preston
Playing PGR3 last night saw this in my rear view mirror and had to save this replay, I think the guy in the Wiseman wanted to catch some phat air :D
The Wiseman was side on when he was hit by a Ferrari F50GT going at 220MPH



LoadsaMoney said:
Thats great!!!. :D

definatly! :)

did he manage to land it and keep goin???

EDIT: you think he'd have got that air badge/trophy you can get with that "phat air" :D??
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Not as dramatic but this happenned to me in a class B online game on that tokyo loop one. I hit the hill at full speed and flew right over the enzo :D. He must have wondered wtf was happenning as I landed in front of him haha.

sigh...PGR3 looks nice in high def. i played it at my mates house the other day on a normal tv, (so im guessing it ran in a strange low def mode) it looked practically as bad as a playstation1 game :eek:
My picture is in SD, not HD ;)

If it ever looks like a PS1 game on any TV then theres something wrong with the TV.
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yeah his tv sucks:p it did look bad though, there were hardly any reflections on the cars and it was blurry as hell :( we played condemned too and that looked fine :eek:
LMAO ROFL that weisman weeeeeeeeeeee look at the air its getting that well funny it land in the sea. ? :D

Also how did it manage that going down a straight :/
Neolink said:
yeah his tv sucks:p it did look bad though, there were hardly any reflections on the cars and it was blurry as hell :( we played condemned too and that looked fine :eek:

I'd guess his TV is unable to show subtle colour and shade differences (particulalry noticeable if he's using composite). There is no difference in any lighting effects or details in SD mode, they are just made up of less pixels.
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