PGR3 - catching some air

Neolink said:
sigh...PGR3 looks nice in high def. i played it at my mates house the other day on a normal tv, (so im guessing it ran in a strange low def mode) it looked practically as bad as a playstation1 game :eek:

Yeah... right.

Anyway, excellent images, gave me a smile.
Is there a chance that you can go over the sides then, say into the river, or into the crowd if you can get that high, or is there a boundry around the tracks, would be ace to crash into the crowd. :D
well look at my mustang do a wheelie!!

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I have a cracking one through the rear window of the Enzo of the engine and Ferrari badge. I'll try and get a photo of it tomorrow.

Got the Xbox360 back downstairs, can continue playing it. Played CoD 2 for the first time today aswell, got the first mission done in Veteran, was thoroughly enjoyable.
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